Connection. Honors, climbing, increase revenue. If the damage the sun in Radix conflicts; danger to the mother. In female horoscope wedding. Favorable aspects. Increased visibility, good effect for parents. In women, a wedding or joining (the beginning of professional activities). Important achievements and possible access to the functions of government can shine. Attract and pleasure to honor and professional success. The sun makes a person attractive, increases its freedom, said climbing, especially favored by those who command. Notes happy change in position.
Unfavorable aspects. Loss of position (job); failure to trade captives decline; danger to the parents. In women, the loss of her husband. Implementation prevent possible conflict with the authorities, gives powerful enemies, and may represent a barrier between the person and success. Achievement is sometimes hampered by the lack of funds or contempt for them. Trouble intimate order, sometimes divorce, harming the situation. Professional jealousy and animosity, clashes with the boss, husband, father, or danger from male relatives. The enemies are known.