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Dissatisfaction with life pushes on treason

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Dissatisfaction with life pushes on treason

Coming from a family "for people" to work, we all briefly distracted from everyday problems. We have a short time it seems that the problem no longer exists. And at this moment one of us starts out kind of energy that can be called sexy. Goes unrealized sexual energy. Which was not fully consumed, and was accumulated - in terms of physiology, but not from the standpoint of the soul. In family life, a man (and woman) is accumulated potential of a certain energy that spills in the form of love for his wife and children in a harmonious relationship. And that is accumulated, if not timely exit.

And aside from the family that the energy potential is manifested in the form of active human aura. This phenomenon, we still call - vibes. And at rapprochement (eg at work), two unmet human, a man and woman, each emitting its vibes, feel each other. Male and female fluids similar to the positive and negative charges in electricity. What might happen then, we are totally uninteresting. Perhaps it's interesting, but it is not in this topic.

A man "satisfied", not only in sex-physical plane, but also in terms of sexual-social, that is, satisfied with communication, their vibes not dissolve. And external fluids are not responding. Well, at least not to react. Except: if you going skating rink, and you do not have time to escape, then this rink and will be crushed. If approaching a "woman" irresistible (that is - with a powerful flow of fluids) to the satisfaction, man, it is possible involuntary response to a provocation. It all now depends on the degree of satisfaction. And the degree of "zoom".

And when you go out into society, but in my head longing and emptiness in the soul, then - "a holy place is never empty." It was dissatisfaction with life pushes on treason . If someone has a spiritual void, if there is a place for taking foreign fluid, then this place could easily be filled soon. Out on the street, the man allegedly goes for "freedom." For a moment. For an hour. And it allows for frivolity. Harmless. Small. "Entering the people" a little bit similar to the journey. A trip is always exciting. Summary output - short emancipation, the temporary withdrawal of "household bondage". A hint of freedom.

That's because some "intellectuals" and tends to the theater, because there, in addition to "portion of Art, gets another and supposedly a little sip of freedom. Freedom from "the shackles of home." And if the "shackles" were strong, the "sip of freedom" did not even get it. Can only be obtained "the smell of a sip." In this case, first, a play can not be pleased. And secondly, the sexual potential (flirt), will remain unreleased. But then, someday, he (flirting) will explode like a volcano. Bright. Powerfully. And unpredictable. When unrealized sexual energy somewhere inside languishing desires. Let the invisible and almost neoschuschaemye.

But this is the urge to eruption of feelings. And like a volcano can only stop the natural decline of pressure in the magma, which occurs during the eruption of the volcano and the volcano of feelings must be regurgitated. Only there are only two questions: ejaculate when? iizvergnutsya where, in what direction? Woman with feminine wisdom, will do so "eruption" of feelings in her direction. A woman-fool allow the "eruption" occurred on the side. Flirting in the relationship man-woman - this is the foundation for the building, it's rotational axis for the pendulum. If flirting in the family is not enough, the lack of it will be filled on the side.

Priorities on which men evaluate women.

Women, for the most part, focused on their appearance, their clothes. Appearance and clothing - not bad. It's beautiful. It attracts. But the main attraction is a factor? Hardly. But what if the main thing that attracts the first place? The question can be put differently. Not attractive. Attracts. What attracts a man? (For reference: - bright beauty scares). First, the flirting, the ability to "make" a man. That is, the ability to awaken desires of a sexual nature. Secondly, the verbal essence of man, the most of his words and can prikolchiki as "pull" and "push" partner. Wrong to say a word - and even a man, "Jack will not lift." And further, with an approximate priority, you can list these qualities:

-Charm, charisma, look.

-Eccentric behavior.

-Posture, gait, shape.

-A person's eyes.

Clothing - at the end. For clothing are met. Clothes and makeup play the predominant role when meeting to create an image of the "first meeting", when everyone knows that the first impression is deceptive. Everyone knows this, but all put their energy, time and money to produce a blissful misleading. We are. By the way, has remained intact is an interesting question, but where is the mind, in what place? And it is really beside the point: what is - the "mind"? From all this it can be assumed that the man himself does not know what they are looking for. Of course, who among us does? Well, maybe someone knows of you?
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