Divination - Tarot alignment "Analysis of Solitude" - 10 cards
On the deck of Tarot. Deck The Erotic Tarot of Manara (Erotic Tarot Manar) was created by Italian artist Milo Manara recently, and is produced by Lo Scarabeo in 2000. The deck is designed as erotic drawings and contains a frank, close to pornography content. Despite such a young age, these cards were a wonderful tool that helps to understand the psychological subtleties of the human soul and understand the problems that arise in the relationship between a man and a woman. Work with a deck should be based on intuition. These cards can not be treated with the rigid framework of rules and dogmas. They love the creative relaxed atmosphere. Do not be afraid to have more trust in your subconscious. Allow yourself to see the cards that they want to tell you.

USED alignment. alignment "Analysis of Solitude" by 10 cards helps to move away from the banal questions like "Well, what I have with it is?", "Marries whether it is on me?" or "When I finally meet my love?" to redefine itself and their behavior, leads us to identify the causes of failure and helps to understand what needs to change in yourself, work to do to find himself and discover through love.
Alignment of the Tarot "Analysis of Solitude" - 10 cards. The result of divination
Zerkalo (The Wheel of Fortune)
State of the questioner, a willingness to meet and how he sees himself in future relationships.
Symbols of the card: In Torsion Wheels, a series of daily changes, we often try to keep their desires, habits and expectations. Therefore, the days are very similar to each other, and everything is repeated in human life: the successes and mistakes. Note, even beloved, we choose the same type. And if a man of our favorite type is not there, believe it is time some "bezrybem. Such a repetition of the fate expressed in the "erotic tarot Manar. Here in the tenth Arkani shows nice woman, a lyubuyuschayasya to huge mirrors. They are proliferating around the reflection of her charms symbolizing the infinite repetition of human styles or manners. Often this card to talk about monotony of life, narcissism, coquettishly in a relationship of confidence in the ideals.
Value of the card: Distribution of itself, expansion of all kinds, self-centeredness. Narcissism narcissism. Much attention is paid to their appearance. When a negative environment - the loss of himself: "Where I am and where my reflection? The world around us and the partner are considered only as a means for self-manifestation and self-affirmation. "I want to fill the whole world."
Astrological correspondence: Jupiter.
He wants from the relationship.
Symbols of cards: the universe looking at itself through the eyes of everyone, and presents itself as a home for many creatures. To know their own house - a task the heroine, depicted on the map "Erotic Tarot Manar. Riding the globe, she rushes toward the unknown in the universe. On the head of her cowboy hat on his feet - boots, and in her hand she holds a revolver. So show some mettle, drive the character of its prosperity in business, underpinned by professionalism. For the woman card can also symbolize the ability to combine work and household chores, recreation, or sexuality, for a man - mind, passion and prosperity. There is no better Arkan than the world map!
Value of the card: Courage, freedom, search for new sensations. Self-confidence, feelings of freedom, reaching to familiarity. Feeling of permissiveness. "The whole world exists only to satisfy my desires." The conquest of the world.
Astrological correspondence: Saturn.
What fears (which does not want to get).
Symbols of the card: Normally, this card symbolizes a man with an active lifestyle. In this deck, the Magician image shows that the ability to communicate with the natural forces of nature is inherent and a woman. Charming brunette appears here in the form of equipment, repaired the steel monster, which resembles the ancient dragons. He - getter and a "stone wall" bereguschaya gentle woman from the dangers of the world. She created it so, since it is known a "lever", making it agreeable and obedient to her will. This is a sexual organ, unique in that it remained of the original nature. Were it not for him, it would hardly be a fairy. And dedicated to her map often speaks of intellect, mind, and sometimes reports on the prevalence of personal relationships in the activity of one partner, the possible suppression of the other.
Value of the card: The Master and the material, the experiment under the guidance of reason. Confronting mental forces of nature. Consciousness is trying to manage feelings, but how easily this way too far ... And then the long suppressed libido fiery lava break free, crushing all in its path and turn into a dangerous monster.
Astrological correspondence: Mercury.
Why should strive.
Symbols of the card: Do not worry about the changes relate to those with giperotvetstvennostyu or dogmatic. Life is mobile, mobile, and our psyche. Quiet acceptance of change symbolizes in this deck Arkan Court. It is shown lying on a flowering meadow woman. The impression that she is dead. Expand it from the crotch fly pigeons. They are known to be a symbol of the soul. Yes - says this card - the body can suffer and die, but it is born spirit. There is a transformation and a new life. Therefore Arch scenario may report losses in one area of acquisitions and in another, or to change people's interests, and in sexual terms - about the disease, genetic disorders, menopause, and forced the reorientation of the individual.
Value of the card: Dying and rebirth. Transformation is irreversible change. The emergence of new, higher feelings. Death of the old state. The transition to a fundamentally different level: the birth of a child, menopause - a dying woman's essence, but must be born a new, more subtle, more spiritual.
Astrological correspondence: Pluto.
Over what we have to work on what should be eliminated.
Symbols of cards: the propensity of people to the conventions, to be cautious, willingness to condemn the reverse side of things said Arkan Priest in this deck. On the map shows the cardinal, condemned the banishing harlot from the temple. Its obscene form does not allow her to attend the Mass to the canon. Thus, the High Priest of Arkan symbolizes the need for formality, propriety, the laws of subordination or hierarchy.
Value of the card: Inadequate. Conflict of spiritual and earthly. Social maladjustment, excessive openness and spontaneity. People do not understand what is and what is not. Does not feel the situation can not adequately assess her, so his actions are ridiculous, and it is subjected to public criticism or even expulsion from certain circles.
Astrological match: Taurus.
Than willing to donate.
Symbols of the map: There is something more than everyday life. Sometimes it allows more work, but often forced to accept some facts or rules around us. And the subordination of human laws of logic, religion, the state embodies Arkan justice in this deck. On the map shows the face of large-eyed woman. It is with curiosity and caution peeps in the world "because of massive decorated with ornate gates. On the head of oriental beauty Arabic headscarf, and behind her through the window visible dome of the mosque. So says the card on stable, current, correct, and therefore boring life. You want something more, but afraid to change your life, and people still cautious, perhaps eyeing someone, making plans for the future.
Value of the card: Girl on the map - a bird in a golden cage. Her life was quite satisfied, but there is a curiosity, what was on the outside? What is it, the world? What will happen if I was a little to wean? And do not try to tell me? And not to risk it? Curiosity, advances, interest. Weigh the pros and cons.
Astrological correspondence: Lev.
Moderation (Time)
What can not refuse.
Symbols of the card: In modern decks shown in Arkani women's time, according to many fortune-tellers, often represents a lover or razluchnitsu. Reminds us of this and drawing in this deck. Naked woman swinging on a swing that entwined with garlands of flowers. She holds a grown man, the size of a small child. And, of course, swings over the ocean can symbolize sexual intercourse. But on heroin card veil, so that image in the scenario, often tells about his beloved woman, which implies a marriage. Measured path swinging heroine is strewn with flowers. In this context map can talk about a certain balance of work and hobbies, about future developments and the health of the hidden man.
Value of the card: Map is static. Development on it is not happening. There is a danger raznezhitsya, stay in their development. The woman depicted on a map, closed face - she does not develop his personality. A man has a clear setback - the desire to return to the fold, the lost paradise. Embryonic eroticism, serenity and comfort.
Astrological match: Sagittarius.
That will help.
Symbols of the map: Map of promises shock and lack of mental equilibrium. On the map "Erotic Tarot Manar is no symbol of overcast sky and heavy rain. High gray towers get wet in the rain. Get wet underneath and soldiers standing guard around the extensions. Since card symbolizes bad mood, onerous duties, pressing on human morality, rigidity of thinking people around, but objectively - okolotok or even jail.
Value of the card: The power of public morality, depression, depressed. Society interferes in private life, has no freedom of action, destroying the illusion. Zakompleksovannost, adherence to moral prohibitions. May indicate a health problem.
Astrological match: Mars.
What will prevent that.
Symbols of Cards: The Sun gives life and nourishes us with his energy. Therefore, in the scenario, this card symbolizes the supreme self-confidence, self-esteem of man. Such self-esteem can be seen in the deck "Erotic Tarot Manar. The woman, wearing wings, soared above the clouds, and now seeks the sun. Of course, like a moth, it will burn. But how much happiness and a sense of freedom in flight! As the world has changed, what paint around! Every life ends in death. However, not all are happy? Since card symbolizes that the man turned to the source of life and ideals that he knows what he wants, knows how to achieve this and to share happiness with others.
Value of the card: Ease of soul, yearning for height. Ability to man up and touch the super-human levels of existence, the Divine Love. For the sake of this feeling can be put at stake everything. State of love. The ability to see the divine essence of man. The meaning of human love: through her experience and suffering to touch the eternal divine.
Astrological correspondence: Sun.
The potential outcome - whether the relationship.
Symbols of the card: Star radiates an update. The notion of creating a viewer dancing celestial goddess among the stars. Purple tone that emphasizes the cosmic scale of Arkan's creative events. A smiling goddess, taking the earth like a woman is flying here in light of improvisation dance among the rotating spiral galaxies. Her face expresses the beauty and newness of life, symbolizes the upright person's intentions, his openness to the world.
Value of the card: alienation, arrogance, coldness, aloofness. Do not care about what is happening around them. Man is not included in the process of life, it in itself. Platonic relationship, possibly homosexual.
Astrological match: Aquarius.