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Divination Tarot alignment "Horseshoe" 7 cards

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Divination - Tarot alignment "Horseshoe" - 7 cards

Tarot Deck. Russian Tarot - one of the classic decks. To understand what says the deck, you need to know Slavic mythology, to understand how the Slavs have seen this world, and another stream of images is strongly restricted, and the potential of the deck is almost never used. It is specific and that is suitable not for everybody, but mostly people whose interest in the culture of the Russian people is quite high. With gentle handling a deck of trusting and talkative, gives many interesting details, easy to read. The deck consists of four suits of Tarot cards - the four elements (Water, Air, Fire and Earth), the four paths of self-realization man is like the four basic rhythm in which the lives or that person. On the value suits can be divided into four stages. The highest level - this is the suit of Wands. Wands - is the experience, authority, understanding of people and circumstances. On average there are cups and (below) denarius. The suit of Cups - is the emotional sphere, the subtle interaction. Denarius - a protective talisman, materiality, maneuvering, a compromise. The lowest color in this conventional structure - Swords. This forces acting at the level of matter. The strength and direction - are the two key words for the suit of Swords. 

USED alignment. alignment "Horseshoe" - is the alignment of the 7 cards with Russian symbols is ideally suited for the Russian Tarot. A great deal for bulky household issues (the situation in the family / work, etc.), as well as runaway hits daily. This alignment shows the road from the present to the future and waiting for you on this path of the event. In the scenario involved the entire deck. 

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