Divination - Tarot alignment of Work and Finance - 1 map
Money - this is an important and often sensitive issue of our lives. Any person interested in his financial condition, particularly in times of life change and instability. Everyone wants to have an interesting job and good income. Sometimes, we painfully ponder questions: Does increase my earnings? What I invest?
Our work, service, or our business occupies an important part of our lives. They can bring us satisfaction, desired material benefit, the joy of communicating in a team and career development, creative achievements. Either everything will be just the opposite? In a word, and in this sphere of life fate poses constant questions. The answer to these questions can help guessing. Tarot cards prompt exit from the predicament, will help make the right decision. Guessing answers to two questions concerning the work and finances, choosing for each issue one card from the deck and the full answer.