Divination - The outlook for the wedding
Guess for 3 days before the wedding to the future for young families. This divination is not related to a horoscope, the names of zodiac signs indicative and play the role of symbols.
It should draw on the paper circle, divide it into 12 sectors, write sectors in the names of signs, closed his eyes and throw a needle. In what sector it will show an ear, then the prediction is considered fallen. If the needle does not hit any one sector, the destiny of young families depend on themselves newlyweds.
Problem-solving time for the registration of relationships. The Union is strong, powerful energy, but lacks stability. Much in common life, the initial impulses possible mutual betrayal. In this partnership there are frequent conflicts, disputes and difference of views.
Strong point is the ambition, the ability to overcome obstacles together.
The best time for the official register, as this time of Venus, the patroness of love and marriage. Russian proverb about the undesirability of the May wedding is true the other way around. May's marriage stable and sustainable, it is true, and a drop strokes fell great oaks. In such an alliance is important gifts, mutual support.
Play an important role money, material well-being as a whole, as well as an intimate relationship.
Such a pair of well-integrated into society, looks the part of the contact and mobile. She calmly and kindly accepted others, often serves as a generator of new ideas in their reference group.
There are minor squabbles, but reconciliation is faster. There are often joint visits, trips to the guests.
The strength of such a marriage depends on the influence of close relatives of partners.
Union emotionally close to a shower. With tenderness, family secrets, caresses here, as a rule, all right. Partners subtly feel each other, very intuitive. They are united by the idea of family, cozy home, the desire to bear and raise children. Such a pair of very well purchase a plot of land to build a house on it for their own canons and design.
Weak side of relations can be jealous.
Successful period for marriage, because this sign is under the control of the Sun. Union can get whatever, just not boring. Surrounding often will perceive you as a bright, beautiful, creative couple. The couple are likely similar hobbies and interests.
The birth of children, only strengthens a family. Together partners can achieve a lot, especially if they have a common cause.
Marriage entered into under this sign is stable, since it is well thought out. Partners like to work together, lead the house in order and improve your life. Intelligent analysis of complex problems, a healthy lifestyle, attention to detail combine spouses.
Clean the house and hygiene issues will play a big role. This pair have the best country site, make small animals.
Along with the period of Taurus and Leo, the most opportune time to create a strong and harmonious family. In Russia since ancient times weddings were played on the cover, and it's not only in finishing the field work. Libra in astrology symbolizes marriage and partnership.
However, such couples may be weaknesses, such as the pursuit of social status and excessive reliance on the opinions of others.
Deeply emotional, passionate and something even extreme union. Register relations with the Sun in Scorpio brings certain risks: astrologers believe that in such a marriage chances of widowhood or divorce.
In any case, you expect the struggle for leadership, mutual suspicion and jealousy. But the marriage is high sexual satisfaction of the spouses.
Harmonious union with markedly distinct social purpose. From the partners often seem exemplary pair having a permanent prosperity, spacious and welcoming home-educated children. Spouses traveling together, they have common humanitarian interests.
Over time, the husband and wife work out general principles and outlook, outlook on life.
Always somewhat cools and slows down, but this is the best time for a marriage of convenience or for career reasons. The family is stable, predictable partner, rigidly follow the traditions of society. Status increases with age, income, tend to grow. In such an alliance should be long-term planning of life and a clear understanding of goals.
Marriage is often alone and for life.
Family, created in this period, experienced by all the pros and cons of the controversial Aquarius. Couple in the eyes of others looks unusual, such as misalliance. For this alliance is characterized by intellectual collaboration, mutual freedom, originality and innovation in interior design and child rearing.
A common shortcoming is the inability to create a cosiness in the house.
These days are generally favorable for marriage and the beginning of relationships, only here to determine priorities and formulate a strategy for the future will not be easy. Wide range of models of marriage: the apathy and indifference to the close alliance of the spiritual and the dissolution of a partner.
Husband and wife feel the state of each other, sometimes even read thoughts. In such a marriage characterized by exaggeration, and the joys and difficulties.