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Divination Wheel of Fortune

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Divination - Wheel of Fortune

On a sheet of paper should draw a circle, divide it into 12 equal sectors, and write on them the letters mean:

And - the whole next year;

B - Money;

B - travel;

T - household chores;

D - present;

E - Health;

M - love and marriage;

W - Legal considerations;

And - state of mind;

K - work and career;

A - friends;

M - enemies.

On the other side of the paper should also draw a circle, divide it into 17 sectors and to write on them the numbers. Throw the needle, first in terms of numbers and then letters. The sector to which the needle will point to the ear, and will be the answer.

1.Good prospects (note the testimony of the sector A).

2.Vash success depends now mainly on assistance from friends.

3.U you have excellent chances.

4.Vas expect challenges and frustrations.

5.Ispolnenie desire, a stranger will bring you happiness, there will be a new friendship.

6.Nevernost, gossip, loss of money.

7.Hranite secrets.

8.Budut curse.

9.Cchaste in love and peace in the house.

10.Povyshenie promotion, happiness.

11.Bolezn, separation.

12.Dobraya news.


14.Drug help.

15.Spory and gossip.

16.Priyatnaya trip.


In the village of divination was on pins and needles

so common in the women's circle, that if some girl did not ask about that fortune-teller, then her girlfriend live in peace is not allowed. Who knows, with any prejudices brought some rural girls, will easily understand the origin of divination on tenterhooks.

Fortune-teller took two needles were rubbed bacon, dipped them in a glass of water. If the needles were drowned, it was considered bad sign, if they came together, it portends an early marriage.

If they differed one against the other, it meant that there are obstacles to the wedding from the detractors.

If they differed in different directions, it predicted an unmarried life.

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