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Do I need a baby Santa Claus

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Do I need a baby Santa Claus

Oh, these modern parents. Did they ever were young? Like you in five years to learn "real truth" about what Santa Claus does not exist, but the sky is infinite, and covered with ozone holes? No, of course. Our children are living in a fairy tale, like it or not. All we want is that our kids would have been the smartest, most advanced, the most successful. We boast so proudly in front of family and friends, the success of his crumbs. Maybe it was for this prosperity, we buy books that are intended for older children, do not include cartoons, and scientific films, do not walk into a circus and a zoo and run into the planetarium.
Kids smarter than we are. They look at all these endeavors, and in order not to upset us, pretend that all they're interested. But after these lessons, they sit down to watch cartoons, read books, paint castles in the air. Of course, you can not destroy their little world, remarks: "You're an adult! Enough to watch this crap (this applies to cartoons). Needed to enable a child's brain to develop its course. Some parents think they do not need to tell the tale. What is it in the future will prevent them from cheating. Or, if they will tell fictional stories, children grow up to hate them for this lie.

Why do children need a Santa Claus? For what would be in their hearts lived miracle. As well, in the new year, get a gift from the magic of Santa. And how great to ask him about something and suddenly he is performing. The younger the child, the more magical look for him by his parents. Mama can do anything. But children grow up, and we lose their status. So do not tell the kid that Santa Claus is just a disguised uncle and give him gifts to parents. Yes, Santa Claus - disguised as his uncle, but he only gives gifts and grants wishes. Know a little kid - a little fighter. He wants to earn such a miracle, to make for it a feat. If it does, the world opens up for him his treasures, and the crumbs, one more incentive to move forward.

When the little man believes in miracles, it is easier to learn, to explore the world, grow up. And I do not know where the child would have grown up, accused the parents of lying when he learned that Santa Claus with a beard made of cotton - just a fiction. And that would help the crumbs, we must teach him to believe in miracles. Because if you believe in it, then it will happen. You can offer to write a letter to Santa Claus and leave it on the window. And if your child is still unable to write, let it be a picture with desires. In a pinch, you can sign it at the dictation baby. Can say that will send a letter to themselves at the post office or with your child. On the envelope, sign it in the column: Who - the North Pole. Santa Claus. A sender in the graph your home address. Letter back to you. Baby it do not show. Well gifts, of course, to fold under the Christmas tree, and not on its own behalf, and from Santa Claus. Wishes of a child can learn from his letters or in secret to ask.

It is not necessary to tell the child that Santa Claus does not exist. He himself knows this, but if his soul remains doubtful miracles exactly will happen. This also applies to adults. No matter what age did you learn the truth about Santa Claus does not exist. But if it was not for you to traumatic shock, you still believe in "something again." Is it not befall it with you any day of miracles in this fabulous New Year's Eve? Sometimes that really a very desperate lonely person, without the two minutes to twelve came to old friends with a bottle of champagne. Happened that the car that broke down on the road, suddenly started working and the driver managed to return home to his family exactly twelve. It happened that before the New Year to you call the person from whom you have not even had hoped to receive congratulations. Miracles are. If you see them. And you can see them if they believe.

When we believe in miracles, we like to open up additional opportunities, and we no longer can do. This is due to the fact that we feel like help from above. And when our guard is something inexplicable, we are confident that everything will turn out. That is why we have activated the hidden files of forces, and we do the feats and just actions.

I know the case when the six-year-girl mother reported that Santa Claus does not exist. All of this tale, gives gifts to her mom, and in general she is grown, her soon to school enough to believe in nonsense. After that, her daughter became ill to sleep, asked not to turn off the lights and close the door. She literally stunted in their eyes. When she was brought to a psychiatrist, he was very surprised at her condition. The street was hot summer, but she looked like a terminally ill - a pale, thin and without a child of mischief in his eyes. The doctor advised the mother put the child in hospital, but before that, to go with her to a psychologist. Imagine - all due to the fact that the news about something, what she believed in - a lie, so deeply wounded the child.

Children need a fairy tale. And the longer the better. They still have time to meet with adult life and find it wholly. Do not think that if you had to wean your child from fairy tales, it will be more persistent in their lives. None. It will be the opposite, more insecure. Because of his childhood torn piece of magic. And it has nothing to fill. And where there is a sense of emptiness, there is always a sense of danger. And this little man, as an adult, will always be afraid of something. He himself does not know why, but fear will accompany him throughout his life. If a child is full enough of toys and tales, he naturally would step over from one stage of maturity to another. Everything will go on as usual, no gaps will not, and the kid in its development will succeed.

We would own it would be nice to learn again to believe in such miracles. Then we lived brighter and happier. And never too late to recall his childhood. Begin to believe that this New Year's Eve will come to you old man with white beard in a red coat, and fulfill your deepest desire.

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