Do I need to get acquainted with his parents?
You almost convinced of his sincerity. He - quite a positive person and is suitable for the role of the hero of your novel: caring, intelligent, tolerant to the vagaries in the eyes - a light, on the lips - sugar. But the thing - your beloved carefully hides you from your parents. What does it mean? Most girls do not attach particular significance to this fact, even if the relationship has moved into a phase of permanent and already there is no "I" or "it" - only "we." As a rejection of your partner to introduce you to your parents characterizes his feelings for you? Can I trust him? Do acquainted with his parents?
Meet the parents - an important factor for further development of your relationship. If this happens, it means that your lover is going to continue relationship with you - in marriage, whether legal or civil, as you like. Of course, demand and insist that he prove to you my feelings and to get their relatives, do not. You just need to hint to him that you're ready to get acquainted with his family. If he will fulfill your request, then you're on your way: your lover really applies to you very seriously.
But if it is objectionable to shirk his acquaintance - a point not in his favor. He tries in every way that his parents did not meet with you and if you accidentally sat longer than usual and are about to descend "ancestors", he quietly pack off you through the back stairs. The point, of course, your how to react to such a faux pas - you can tolerate an insult and continue to play the role assigned to you partisan, but remember that this situation threatens your relationship fiasco. If he refuses, despite all your entreaties, to acquaint you with his relatives, he's just not ready for a serious relationship and have not yet convinced of the strength of his feelings for you.

There are certainly other reasons for refusing your vote to introduce you to my father and mother. For example, his parents are too authoritarian, and he still remembers how his mother drove a former girlfriend, who, according to her that, seduced her son. Afraid of losing you, it protects you from this stress. Or another reason: the parents are not quite correct way of life - often paint the town red and Sabantui. He simply ashamed for them, so he strongly delayed the moment of your meeting.
Anyway, you should talk to your elected representative on this issue and find out what's on his mind. You should not ignore and downplay the problem. If your lover will be able to give at least a rough explanation of this fact, then you should not condemn him. But if he can not answer, then think about it - maybe he's ashamed to show your parents (for example, it is from an educated family, and you - from the "worker-peasant" class) and in the near future intends to search for another more suitable party, which like its relatives.