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Do as you want!

Some people are by nature perfectly able to fend for themselves and their interests. About these usually say: they are a finger in your mouth luggage. They are blue in the face to prove his innocence and seek its conditions by all means available. Here are the lucky ones! But, unfortunately, too many people who are accustomed me back to defend its position, often fall into the trap of thin manipulators, and find themselves, begin to implement someone else's facility or to protect the interests of others. How did this happen? Very simple! For example, my friend Luda always been an iron character: strong-willed and determined, she always clearly define their goals and discussed them through. One fine summer day, Luda has decided that he wanted to marry a rich foreigner. And from that moment all her ebullient energy was focused on exploration and conquest of a foreign prince. However, months passed, and the goal of all never bent. Luda looked through many forms, communicating with crowds of applicants, but the most unique and inimitable way everything was not.

Then a candidate for a husband turned out to be not rich enough, then the country in which he lived, it was too far from Russia, the shade of the eye is not one that simply do not like come. " The affair with the groom lasted several years. And all this time Luda wondered, why this time its goal does not want to be implemented? Is it not trying? Is making little effort? And once it caught up with an epiphany! Yes, she does not want to get married abroad! Never wanted and hardly ever wants! It's just not in her interests! First of all, she loves to Moscow and did not want to leave for her native city. Secondly, here in her excellent work: it is creator of the prestigious advertising agency, but in a strange country, she can not work without knowing the language. And Russian men it is much closer in spirit and mentality.

Realizing this, Luda laughed. Yes, she just did not want to go anywhere. It is not profitable! So why is she so much effort spent to achieve this "unfavorable" goal? Clue - Lyudin mom. A woman with a bulldog grip, and fox mind. Anna Ivanovna, and she always wanted to get married abroad, but that's not developed. I had to convince her daughter that overseas "real life", and here - so miserable stagnation. And Luda has spent a lot of time, realizing someone else's dream. If you're a long time can not get their way, or defend their interests, take a look closer to the situation and ask ourselves: whose interests I am actually defending? Do as you want!
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