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Do men stinker

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Do men stinker?

On the men's innocence can be played indefinitely, and with stunning results. And I will say more - to play. Sincerity and honesty will appreciate not every man. That is appreciated, maybe that's all. But you will become for them a good time with good friend whom you can complain to the vest, if a sudden kiss, or to borrow to pay. But no more. But for a good game, we are grateful for the life of a coffin. And simply can not even guess that we just played. Just get right under the game I do not mean those things that recommend women's magazines and books about "how to become a bitch." Demonstrate coldness, artificially cause our jealousy, repel, and then re-engage, to paint eyes and wear stockings - all this will do to attract teenagers. Recommendations are given, usually women - and hit the mark. "But of course! - You say .- It's really working." Sometimes - yes. But just because the other options we offer rare. We have to take what they give. Here's to you and it seems that we are crazy about all these "tricks".

The converse proof - the stinker, as a rule, in the end remain in solitude. Because who will like all the time to go around a wild mustang? It can be fun when I want to throw in the adrenaline rush. But we prefer to live life with a quiet, calm horse that bucks, if only just so much to tighten the bit. Do men bitch? " There is, of course, lovers of thrills. But in fact they are not so much. And then, a man, though a drop to think that's what, a mile off sees a woman who has been reading fashion magazines and books. And all these maneuvers like zakatyvaniya eye at the sight of poludohlogo ant and the occasional hints of a turn rabid fans nothing but good-natured fun and lung irritation, do not cause. Even once it becomes annoying - in fact like adults already people! A "zavlekalochki" at the high school ...

Generally, the ratio of men to a bitch - a special theme. But the firm can say one thing - the vast majority of men in the spirit of a bitch can not tolerate. And it does not understand why women so they are admired. Men are inherently more straightforward and open. Therefore, any bitchiness things with conviction considered "unsportsmanlike" conduct. It's like a punch below the belt. Even worse ... Normal, self-respecting man with such a woman does not have any relationship he wants. The only production bitch - weak-willed and weak-nerved losers henpecked. Frankly, the option is not so hot.
Poet Diane Balyko wrote this:

They say that men love to bitch.

Like hell! I am a true bitch!

Each meeting, the nerve.

Each of my beloved, as the first.





dizzy ...

Just go down the aisle with the other.

I simply spend a glance ...

A sad story. But as a man, I want to say: and rightly so! Nothing here, you know, to harass and relegate. Men are not too fond of, when the relationship with the light hand of a woman transformed into a roller coaster. What do you think? Just imagine: you're a man and spent a whole day at work, earning money by the sweat and stomach ulcers. At the end of the workday unscheduled meeting because the boss - tyrant and a bachelor, which has absolutely nothing to do more. At the meeting you gently hinting (so that the windows are trembling) that recently with the duties you handle not very good. Finally, you twitching with age and shaking hands, get in your car.

She also decided today pokapriznichat. With a languid thoughtfulness of this woman, she listens to what you repeatedly turn the ignition key, and reflects, to give or is it to show who is boss. Happened - you have gone. And caught in the traffic jam, it seems to most of Mars. But you're in a hurry. Today you have a date, which you have waited a week and that was the only ray of light in this gray ... uncomfortable world. You growl, run the risk of the miracles of dexterity, but late for exactly ten minutes. It is not. Either left, or late. You wait an hour. Hope. Angry. Starve. You can not call because his cell phone number, it certainly did not give - you do not need to know about it too much. And you despair and leave. You are at home late in the evening. There is nothing, nothing to drink ... you dial her number and hear his voice. It turns out, can not stand when it comes to first date! Today, she arrived in time, I saw that you do not, turned and walked away. And anyway, next time if he will bother to turn up punctually. And they went to hooters. Do men stinker? you will experience after this irresistible attraction to this is not available, independent, enigmatic and elusive woman? Like hell! In a fit of rage tear the phone, get drunk and give an awful oath never and would never sink to such here ... bitch! And rightly so. Nerves - they are more expensive than the entire female coquetry in the world.

In short, it is necessary to clearly distinguish where the game, and where the antics. Game man did not notice, but the antics - it can be seen immediately. And incredibly annoying ... But in general, quite a shame that women imagine and describe us as monstrous soulless monsters. And besides, even incredibly stupid and notorious. Well, maybe not all women, and only ardent feminists ... But there's something too many of them became in recent years. And, apparently, they managed to capture the post, telegraph and railway stations. Because so much nonsense now in various media, ranging from the notorious ladies' magazines, and ending with women's sites on the Internet that you wonder. Cope (note: right, as if it were a wild wicked predators) with us you can, it turns out, only showing the iron will and remarkable resourcefulness. These are the times. "And like the sun ... Oh well, God bless them with a bitch. Very happy that not all women have come under bad influence ladies with unstable mentality. Hence, we, men, it is hoped to meet the same that for which want to move mountains.

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