Do not be afraid of losing their identity
Have you ever asked yourself the following questions: "Who am I?" Or "What is my" I "?" In response to these questions, you try to define its identity - a conglomeration of world outlook, views and core beliefs as the centerpiece, the core of your unique personality. Child, beginning to perceive the outer world and separate themselves from it, gradually moving to the realization of his identity and starts forming its own self. Stage of forming their own "I" is often accompanied by a rebellion against the family, community or convention, when the child already wants to be an independent person, but his model of the world is poorly formed, and he can not understand what he wants really.
Often the only way to assert its independence and identity of the child is the desire not to do as he advised parents, friends or adults. In doing so, as advised others, he seemed to be "dancing to the tune of someone else, while doing all in its own way, the young rebel asserts its right to make decisions. As the formation of the model of the world a person notices that it manifests certain qualities and core beliefs that he is incapable of change. Because these qualities are inherent in it only because it is immutable core, it would seem, does not depend on his will, the man identifies it with himself and, having carried out this identification, begins instinctively protect their identity, just as he would defend in case of danger, his life .
This protective reaction is manifested in the form of bright, when the identity of a person being criticized from the sidelines. The phrase "fool" people react much more rapidly than the statement "In my opinion, what are you doing - stupid, because in the first case, criticized his" I "and the second - only his actions. Often, people understand the need for his own benefit in some change for the better, yet subconsciously do not want to do this because it changed, it will become "another person", that is, in his understanding at the subconscious level, in fact, die, and Death is usually represented the worst of possible trouble.

Taking as an axiom that is not a remake, and that there are some universal things that no one can change a person justifies their actions, even the most absurd and clings to the components of its identity program, as a pathological meanie for a chest full of gold. But if in some situations, to cling to a chest full of gold - the action of a reasonable and safe, then, for example, in the case of shipwreck, this behavior will lead to death, and the miser ever settle down on the floor, hugging his precious treasure.
In the esoteric tradition has repeatedly said that the need to "die to be resurrected to new life." The death of Christ on the cross and his resurrection was a symbol of this. Here, the "die" does not mean physical death, and death of human identity, the destruction of the old programs to create new programs, more wise, harmonious and consistent. Convinced by a fanatical terrorist would rather die than the prospect of becoming a good global citizen and a good family man, because such an identity is so repulsive and alien to his ego, that the death of a bullet is preferable to him than boring philistine vegetation without the high ideals and aspirations for higher purpose, destined by God.
But if good or evil fairy waving a magic wand, changed, yet his identity, the former terrorist, now a respectable citizen would prefer the death run to blow innocent people and thrust a bullet into the heads of children, women and the elderly. For many people, especially not accustomed to the surplus of positive emotions, in particular, some intellectuals who feel the suffering and mental anguish sign of spirituality, the changes resulting from exercises aimed at increasing the total number of positive emotions, and emerging after a short practice of meditation " Taste of Life ", generate a sense that, having lost the habit of thinking about disasters and human suffering, people are losing themselves, their personality and identity. Arising from fear of the loss itself can be a hindrance in the classroom and may even lead to internal conflicts.
Do not be afraid of losing their identity " Do not strain on the matter. If the question of loss of identity will be too worried about you, and you begin to overcome doubts about the fact that you are "too good", slightly loosen the level of positive emotions by reducing the frequency and intensity of exercise, at the same time trying to continuously maintain a stable positive emotional background, and then when the dust settles your fears and you'll start to get used to a constant state of quiet enjoyment, gradually increase the intensity of the exercise, reinforcing its nervous system. Do not be alarmed if the result of exercise your perception of the world and the events will change significantly and you will feel almost continuously rather intense positive emotions. This is a natural result of the exercise, and the fact that you now feel very differently, does not mean that you have others or lost their identity. you just changed the negative perception of familiar programs to new programs a positive perception. It is not necessary that all good things must surely end. This - the slogan of complete pessimism, thus justifying its gloomy outlook on life. your mood and your happiness - at your fingertips.