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Do not be afraid to be weak

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Do not be afraid to be weak

Women today often seem to have forgotten that they are the weaker sex. Perhaps you yourself are not you consider yourself weak. But for the sake of perspective and a pleasant acquaintance is quite possible to pretend to be Miss helplessness ... Light color female helplessness. Weak woman awakens in man a natural desire to help her, protect and defend it. It should be noted that any nice young man feel strong, powerful and omnipotent. So, one good way to get acquainted with a man - ask him for help. Do not be afraid to be weak !

The request should not be too burdensome. Something nice, do not bother a stranger. For example, you can ask the vending man help with a choice of shoes or perfume. But do not demonstrate it with all models in a row. Let choose from two of the three options, not more. From the women shopping in the majority of the stronger sex is developing a migraine. My sister recently bought a car. And now almost every day of her address book updated with new and new men's phones.

- When you vodish car, get acquainted with a man easier than - says Ira. - Always you need help, the trunk does not know how to open, the hood, then something else.

The most amazing thing, men just stand in a queue to help the helpless, fragile woman. And feel with this beautifully! Best options requests - those that allow a young man demonstrate virility. For example, as once we arrived with a friend in an unfamiliar city on tour. Getting off the train, we did not look particularly attractive: two broody, laden with bales of rags, like real donkeys. And, as luck would have it within our field of view, there are very curious male subjects. Katka zealously insisted that we approached them to flirt. But I am under the weight of travel bags are not something that flirt, and go do not particularly able.

But Katya was not going to retreat.
- Hey, young people, come here! - She cried.

The guys looked at each other and headed straight for us.

- My friend and I consulted and decided that it shall be permitted us to the hotel, and at the same time help to bring our suitcases - solemnly announced it - but they are so heavy that we move from a place we can not.

The guys laughed, picked up our camping bags and moved forward. Morality is simple. Do not be afraid to show weakness, stupidity or ineptitude. In fact, combined with a captivating smile, and your weakness and stupidity, and incompetence will be thy trump card when meeting with a man of your dreams.
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