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Do not focus on finding a prince

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Do not focus on finding a prince!

My friend Diana is very pretty girl. Slim, pretty, white with golden curls and dimples on rosy cheeks, well, just a doll! Many of the girls envy her angelic looks, innocent smile and charming manner to behave as Nabokov Lolita. But men, oddly enough, bypass Dianku party. Dima with her fiance Diana parted ways more than three years ago and still remains one. Recently, we met on a visit at the common acquaintances.

- Dianka, hello, how are you?

- Yes, the old way. All kukuyu alone.

I nodded sympathetically, wondering how to translate the conversation to a more neutral topic. How awkwardly pry a pretty girl on the causes of failures in her personal life.

- And what do you doing? - I asked.
- Yes, anything, looking for the groom! - Diane said.

- A work, studies, hobbies?

- Yes it is for me and have a job and a hobby in one bottle. I still live with their parents. They tell me that's right, look for a rich husband, work is not necessary. So I'm looking for. You know how long it takes? Horror. Nothing else do not have time.

There is then I was an epiphany. So that's why Dianka for so many years alone! She did absolutely nothing doing. Who needs a girl whose only hobby - is the search for a husband? And as I had not noticed that it is absolutely not to talk about. Many of the girls hammered into his head that no men are handicapped person. But this is nonsense! In fact, they are handicapped person without their aims, interests and hobbies. The moral: after parting should not hurry with the search for a new second half. Do not focus on finding a prince! But hurry up with the search itself. What do you like? What do you do? Maybe time to take Spanish? Or the time to learn how to dance flamenco? If you hesitate and unsure like: "But why me?" The answer is simple: for itself!

For their own pleasure. For self-development. The girl, absorbed than the unusual, always looks more attractive. Nothing so corrupts women after separation, as boredom in the dull eyes and indifference. And if you do every day than are interested, you learn something new, to something seek, men will be drawn to you like a magnet. What could be more attractive than a girl who is always keen and what is not obsessed with silly thoughts, as if someone quickly zahomutat. And the former realizes that his departure did not break you, and you went to a free life for the benefit.

Longer seen in public

Savoring their own experiences, not long become hermits. House arrest - a suitable pastime just at first after breaking up. If you already feel like a sane person, it's time to go out! First public appearance in public after the break is as important as privacy at first! It is important to make the right impression. Hollywood stars are always carefully prepared for this event as the first exit into the light without the former boyfriend. Firstly, we must choose the correct event. Better if it is not a quiet home dinner with your friends married couples, and gay party, where people will come both from its half and one by one.

To take care of your appearance. You must be at least compelling to your friends enthusiastically whispered (yes, the independence of Her, "" Notice how she lost weight? "," No doubt, her ex-blind man, just did not notice any beauty missed! " ). As a maximum at parties you can learn a new candidate for the hand and heart. In this case, the impeccable appearance will ensure that you leave the party hand in hand with the new Knight.

No less important is the question: how to conduct themselves in a new role? If possible, try to stay relaxed and carefree. Most people then why wait for that, parting with loved ones, you have to go dark, as if in mourning, full of sad thoughts about his present unenviable and precarious future. Break the stereotype! Be cheerful and flirtatious. That girls are drawn to such people.

If you do not want to answer questions about the former, try to politely but firmly close the topic. Just say: "Sorry, but we can talk about something else. Do not want to spend time to savor the details of the break. Better tell me what's new with you? "You can earn even more points in its favor, if kindly otzoveshsya his former lover. For example, if a party will have common friends, you can find out how's he doing, and send greetings.

And if the party suddenly turns himself a former? Well, the important thing is not lose my temper! Say hello to him. Be friendly and courteous. Imagine that he is your brother or a childhood friend with whom you have not seen a hundred years. Yes, you have gone through a lot together, but time has passed since that time a lot. Now you're just good friends. Do not make the victim. With this you only vyzovesh his vexation and pity for all those present.

Try to behave as if nothing had happened, with your behavior should not look conspicuous. You should not flirt with all the running, famously upset a glass of wine after another, laughing loudly and actively demonstrate how you freely and well without him. Ostentatious merriment, imitation of happiness and contentment are usually look even more pitiful than frankly depressed. Just try to imagine what your ex is not here. And do everything that you could have done without it: to get acquainted with men, joke, sing karaoke, socialize and simply enjoy life.

Have the right!

If you do not allow yourself all these franchises, as hoping that he'll be back, get over it. How long will you wait? Eternity? Even if you do, for what is a whim of fate, converge again, you simply must take advantage of this break in relations and to arrange a "celebration of disobedience." What sort of vacation without the former, and his morals. If you are already active are using their right of sexy clothes, which he considered provocative, and other advantages of a free life, congratulations. You seem to be well worked over each other and strictly adhere to our instructions.

But still the most important right that you have earned to date - is entitled to a simple female happiness! You need not mourn the loss of the once beloved. You are not obliged to be faithful to the memory of him. You are not required to bury himself alive. The only thing that should worry you - this is your life and your happiness. You are entitled to a bright future. And even the perfect present! Girls often spend too much time wasted, bewailing the loss of her "only love", his "second half". And in vain! Theory of two halves - no more than a silly romantic fantasy. You're in itself a whole person. And nature took care of that if you could not build a relationship with a man, make sure you get to the other. Love should bring happiness and pleasure. And if in your previous relationships have been more scandals, recriminations and insults, consider that the break was the best solution. So, you are very lucky that everything is behind us. And you have the right to another life! The one that will create itself it myself!
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