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Do not force your child is violently

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Do not force your child is violently!

Very often the parents, not having enough speed and desire to treat your child with due regard for the speedy solution to the problem of feeding its resort to strong-arm tactics to influence or intimidation. Keep in mind, acting threats and punishments, you can put your child great harm. From such a baby in the future may turn out indecisive, timid man, always doubtful of own forces, fearful of once again draw attention to themselves.

Probably every adult with a child is an antipathy to a particular product, which arose without, seemingly apparent reason. And it all is that once adults nepedagogichno did to him, as he may now be supplied with your baby. Try to remember why you are, for example, so do not like cream of wheat or rossolnik. It is not excluded that your mind will picture how my grandmother or mother in a fit of desire by all means to feed their child a spoonful of stuffing you next to this dish. That is what was the result of your dislike for him. Sometimes we can not even remember because of what we do not like the taste of a culinary delights. Maybe it does not remember and your children, but they are until the day can save aversion to porridge, which they so strongly fed in childhood.

Let's try to avoid such dire consequences of parental zeal. If the child does not eat at dinner, it's not a tragedy. Maybe the kid just did not get hungry or caught something before the meal. Do not force your child is violently! Simply slide the plate from him. At dinner, he must eat everything. Many scientists have come to the conclusion that we should not force-feed the baby, even if he is still in the cradle. So, if it is a routine feeding, your baby and not think to wake up, do not wake him. Wait until he opens his eyes and asks you your portion.

Otherwise, the baby will be sleepy and cranky eat much less than usual. As a result, he will neither be able to sleep properly or get enough food, so the whole day you will go out to calm the naughty child. In other words, you need as quickly as possible to get rid of the feeling that if the baby will not be time to eat all that lies before him on a plate, he will die from malnutrition. This will not happen because the child is not so helpless and fragile as we think. Well, if he really experience hunger, he finds an opportunity to ask you to eat.
For example, a family of famous teachers Nikitin had seven children. Head of the opinion that children in any case can not force-feed. Once the family became ill one of the guys. He has three days did not eat anything, but her parents have made no attempt to feed their child, only watered it with water. As a result, the child's body was able to overcome his illness, and the baby for the first time took a little food only on the fourth day of illness.

Typically, the second year of life, the child who used to eat all that lay before him on a plate, it becomes very legible. This is primarily due to the fact that it takes much longer to feel hungry. Reduced portion, because if he ate, as before, you probably would have reached the acceleration of epic proportions. On the other hand, the child begins to feel like individuals, independent person who has a right to their preferences and choices. During this period the baby tastes can change almost every week. Today he is happy to absorb any dish, and the next day do not look at him.

The task of the parents in this situation - to keep complete calm and restraint. Of course, you can irritate the fact that you specifically bought and prepared for a baby or that dish, spending his time and money, and he suddenly refuses to eat, whereas before, the problems with it you did not have. Just your child explores this world and wants to experience different tastes, so he suddenly abandons his well-known food and demands for something new. Of course, it is difficult to cook several dishes at one feeding. That, in general, and is not required, but if you want your child to eat well, try to make it a diet as diverse as possible.

Many children, moving to a more adult food, suddenly begin to refuse milk. Do not force your child by all means drink the daily rate of this valuable product if he does not want that. In short, you just disgust her daze to milk the rest of your life. Wait a few days. If the child still continues to refuse to milk, do not insist, but try to replace the product with something of equal value. He certainly are perfect products such as yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese. Over time, your child proper behavior once again ask you for the milk, and aversion to this drink will be prevented. The same applies to other products. If the child actively refuses to some dishes, do not force him to eat and take, as they say, time out. After some time the baby is likely to revert to the old preferences.
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