Do not forget that you're a woman!
Only women know how cleverly and carefully hinted its second half, you have to do. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can communicate with a man, so that after a while he will do everything. The main thing to remember - do not start your request with the word "could." Women are the real professors in science talk, especially requests for hints. We often begin their questions with the words "could" or "could": "Can you take out the trash?", "Could you call me after dinner?", "Could you fix the shelf?", "Could you pick up children out of school? "But a man posing the question be taken literally, and instead of" Could you fix the shelf? "-" Can you fix a shelf? "

Always remember: a man understands the questions that begin with "could", "could", as another test of his abilities, abilities to do something, and therefore his answer: "Yes - he can take out the trash, he can fix the shelf" this question can be considered quite plausible, but only those words with concrete action is absolutely not related. Besides, he might get the impression that they are trying to manipulate, deceit and deception cause to say "yes." In order to encourage men to the desired action, asking to some other form, for example: "You call me after dinner?", Referring to the question whether he is not busy this afternoon. To such a question a man will answer "yes" or "no."
I think much better to get a negative answer to your question, and know exactly how to pass your evening, than to hear "yes" to every "could", but remains in limbo. A man who is going to make an offer to his beloved woman will always say: "get out if you marry me?", But he never asks: "Could you marry me?". So remember that you are real women, use little tricks in dealing with men, and then the conflicts in your life together is sure to become smaller.
Do not allow illegal and unwanted words
The woman - the one that in his speech does not allow abuse and other undesirable words. She does not blame his favorite and always knows what to say, that he understood. The main thing we must remember that men have a different psychology. Watch your words, because nothing hurts so much does not hurt as acute phrase, and let the man in your life never feels insolvent either at home or at work. Do not be afraid to talk to your man about your desires and discontent. Confess to what actually you want. You and your mate better to eliminate from their vocabulary the phrase "thou shalt" or replace them with "I'd like to." Many problems can be resolved without resorting to the scandals and quarrels, if people are patient enough and wise. Do not forget that you're a woman!
You have to remember, and some other forbidden expressions like: "I told you a thousand times ..." "How many times can I repeat ..." "What are you thinking?", "What do you want, do not you understand?", "You're absolutely the same as your father! "etc. They can be replaced by the more neutral phrase: "With you I feel very comfortable and easy," "You understand me correctly," You're the closest to me, "Please try to understand me," I'm very thankful ", etc. What Whatever happens, do not put pressure on partner and do not push him any conditions. Men have always sought to reserve the right choice. Of course, this is due to the need of the stronger sex to be independent, to be regarded as independent. Stands to hurt and to limit somewhat the man, and he is confident that his rights were violated.
Do not forget about the features of male psychology: All men are very fond of praise. If there is even the smallest occasion - praise her lover, complimented him. Remember: if you at least will sometimes tell him: "I really like it when you ..." "I was so glad when you ..." "I was very pleased ..." - then the effect will be much greater. These words set up a man of success. Try to refrain from phrases like: "Here, if you had always been so!" In addition to the necessary care, the man wants to find a family understanding, peace of mind, comfort, understanding and support.
Voicing their complaints, do not put your man in the example of another. No matter how compelling or were your evidence and arguments, the man will certainly try to prove their case. Each representative of a strong half of mankind wants to beloved always considered it the most independent, competent and successful. When you matches your partner with others, arguing that their dominance is likely he will feel like a failure, and prevent this by no means impossible. Think about whether or not your whim or an insult to your dear person has acquired additional facilities.
Behave with dignity
We are all different! Someone thinks his behavior perfect, even if those around it looks challenging. Some spoil relations. Importantly, even if you change yourself for a loved one - to behave honorably. Do not forget that you're a person, and spoil the impression of themselves because of the whims of your favorite brand is not worth it. Do not forget that you're a woman! " Much of the suffering and disappointments in love due to the fact that we are not enough sensitive to your partner, when close relationship in its infancy. We offer you some tips by which you can build a relationship so that your chosen from the beginning formed a correct opinion about you, and there was no false illusions about the future.
1.Nachnite with yourself. Spend with a little test: think what you like in humans, and what traits annoy you what you want to see themselves in the future, how you present yourself in love, as you would normally behave in certain situations, what traits and habits you do you think your weaknesses. All this is very important to you much was clear about itself. The better you know yourself, the easier you will answer this important question: "What will become of me if I stay with this man?"
2.Postaraytes determine for yourself how your relationship is dear to you, do you really want to be with this person. If not, then do not be fooled about the compatibility.
3.Zadavayte more questions to learn more about the tastes, habits of your partner, about his outlook on life, for the future, your relationships, etc. Try to analyze the suitability of you this man, whether you can share his opinion. And if you with something does not agree to openly express their views and watch his reaction. If you ever afraid to speak out, not to provoke a quarrel, and desiring by all means keep a man, your partner may be deceived, seeing you like-minded. Incompatibility sooner or later become apparent, and you both will feel great disappointment and pain.
4.Budte sincere with him. Try to understand the real causes of dissatisfaction with your partner's behavior. If you know exactly what it is, and acknowledge that your partner has every reason for you to take offense, consider whether some correct their behavior. Psychologists In such cases: as soon as you want to show your "I", imagine that it makes someone else, and you just watch. This will help you objectively look at the situation.
All of us admire the heroes of films and books that violate all the foundations and laws and live by their own laws and rules, but they survive only in the movies. In the real world around us people are dear to us. We reckon with them, because we want to maintain a normal healthy relationship. If you think that you can and will do to maintain the relationship, your chances of success will increase. If at the beginning of a relationship you start to immediately adjust to your vote, such "obedience" could only spoil his appetite. " He will push more and more demands - because the desire for this kind of perfection often neimeet reasonable bounds.