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Do not know what to do Do the decent

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Do not know what to do? Do the decent

Remember that honesty is best. Try to do the right thing, and if problems arise, do not let things take their course. Analyze and make everything as needed. In life, it so happens that the fire of passion in the relationship ending, but return it still in your hands. The main thing - it would wish. In this situation, few can say with full confidence that definitely knows how to act. Yet a few recommendations we can give you.

First, do not do anything that might harm you or your loved one. If you make her unhappy partner, respectively, and you are not also in the fullest sense are happy and satisfied. Secondly, do the decent, ie do not build snares man, if you feel that he no longer feels for you those lofty feelings as before. Do not try to take revenge on him, because whatever your evil deed must be returned to you in multiple size. There are many other ways how to re-attract a man like him again. Do not know what to do? Do the decent!

Do not change, then it will not be

Trust in the relationship disappears if one spouse is unfaithful. Many men, who loves his wife can go on infidelity, explaining that his monogamous. But women are constructed differently: if they really love, they will remain faithful. Men hate women's infidelity! Treason is destroying standing trusting relationship discord in a family, etc. Men - owners, so for most of them hated infidelity - it is a great resentment for the fact that someone was playing with his toys. " But they can change and do not consider this a big problem: "You know, dear, we have proved that we are monogamous. It's the hormones! "
There are, of course, and such men, who with all his heart set on marriage, and their devotion to the family so pronounced that there can be no doubt. Besides that these men dearly love his wife - they really keep her loyalty to them more expensive than their spouses and children in nothing. In this case, it is understandable why the betrayal of beloved is perceived as a great evil: for them is a hit in the back. If a woman changes a man, it means that she was something lacking in a relationship with him, something goes wrong, as she wanted. Maybe instead of worrying remorse for what you have changed it, it is better to analyze why this happened? Maybe if you have something does not suit, it is better to find another?
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