Do not rush to criticize his chosen
In no case can not criticize his chosen on a first date. Even if you have something does not suit, do not talk about it. This faux pas could have only a negative impact on your further communication. When meeting, dealing with people be welcome, helpful and not allow any criticism, no negatives to the interlocutor. Try every possible way to approve all the words and actions of your interlocutor, to speak about it only positively. Always remember that words can kill a person and save him, and so in your power to get yourself a trusted friend or worst enemy.
In matters of heart, should be further monitored closely for word, because of the person you liked most unpleasant to hear criticism of their address. Criticism is not everyone can easily take it repels, repels, and some people, once having heard the criticism, long afterwards can not get over and over to the man, do not apply. Therefore, do not rush to criticize their elected representative . Think before you make some remark that you can make mistakes, be unjust in its judgments or simply do not know anything that would affect your score. Do not rush to conclusions, especially on first meeting, when you still do not know much about the man.
Human nature is such that we like those whom we like and unpleasant one to whom we dislike. Therefore, in order to leave a good impression, we ourselves need to praise and admire them. Of course, to praise and admire people need to honestly and otherwise benefit from this will not happen. Men's nature is more immune to criticism: they are more sensitive to the observations, and some reject the criticism in the bud. Yes, the man looks at the beauty and harmony of women, but it remains the one with which he is calm and comfortable psychologically, which can lift a burden from the day we live, which can seamlessly, unobtrusively help to give advice.

Person during the day lying in wait for many problems, difficult situations and psychological shocks, and came home, he waits for silence and understanding, approval, not condemnation. So try to create it such conditions that he wanted to stay with you and do not look for another "safe haven". However, do not think that we should not just make comments to correct, to express their opinions. Just need to everyone to come with this individual and find the words that he understands it. Man you must understand, if you feel that you want to help.
In no case can not criticize the themes that for him is important. Never allow yourself to speak ill of his mother's family or children, this treatment will be perceived by man as a personal insult, because the family - is sacred. Also, for men are important career, success in work and comments on the matter will also be negatively perceived. But for some men, their criticism as a professional becomes a powerful punch. And in general, replace criticism from the outset to discuss the relationship, when everyone can express themselves and to look at ourselves, to listen to others. This approach is less traumatic and more effective. Never dealt with criticism unfounded neosmyslenno. Be friendly, criticizing, and exercise participation to another, then you no one will want to look for an excuse to criticize.