Do not say bad words a child
You've probably heard the story that was carried out an experiment with monkeys. The area where they live do not intersect. Some monkeys inhabit the same island, another group lived on the other. Specialists have taught one group of monkeys rip off the peel with the banana before eating them. After some time on another island a second group of monkeys also became clear the bananas from the rind before serving. Miracle? No wonder there. All the matter in a single information field.
So, and acquired physical illnesses tend to be transmitted from parents to children, then their grandchildren, if each of us will not control his words and thoughts. Have you noticed how thick white steam coming from your lips when you talk in the cold? So, imagine that with the same density and power pouring out of your mouth words. After all, words have a numerical measure and weight. This has been proved. I always write in their books and talking at the seminars: "Negative words produce the disease and bring misfortune. Fortunately, the opposite is true - bright and positive words allow us to flourish as the rose bud, flourish and shine like a bright star, but for many this truth flies in one ear and immediately departs from the other. Why is this happening? Because many people think: "Oh, I've heard and read thousands of times! Nothing new! "
Here is where the mishap befell - to know something well, but much more useful to apply this knowledge into practice! You can spend ten years in the library, shtudiruya thousands of books, but if all that you do not apply their knowledge in life, it will not change, will not budge an inch! For example, you require that the child did not use the unpleasant word, and themselves while constantly juggling their daily or nudite that raise the price of oil. Clock chirping on the phone with a girlfriend, you begin to wash up her bones, once put up, or criticize the Pope, is delayed by work. "Hi Losers!" - Meet you son. And so on in the same spirit. Do not say bad words baby!

Consider that you have disfigured the fate of the child. This, unfortunately, not a rant! Frankly, here I want to almost shout to scream like a mountain-parent: "What are you doing with your children? Come to their senses before it's too late! If you do not love the child - should not have it, and bring into the world! Give birth to a little. Need to adequately train and grow! "First, do not forget that you are a model for your child. He sees the world through their parents. После such here your daily "optimistic" setting the child begins to clutch at his head, and arrive at an idea that, Oh, oh, oh - what is the world uzhasny and bad. He trusts you. And faith - that's all. How to believe - and will be in your life.
Secondly, his rude words you drop your moral self-esteem of the child, as they say, through the floor. After swearing to the child - is a time bomb. Remember that poison, unfortunately, a quick remedy. Your words are poison to act, and accumulate particularly noticeable will be felt when your child leaves the parental home. Sometimes moral pain is devastating physical. The master class Vladimir Dougan told us that only four words he had once loved her mother, have changed the whole course of his life: I have an unusual YOU BABY! These words have become a lifeline in a terrible totalitarian communist environment where teachers asserted that "Dougan - a fool! Moron! ", And his father would not see her son and scolded him for the sake of good goals.
So, dear mom and dad, I implore you - for the sake of your own children, it is doubly and triply closely monitor your speech! It often happens that while in captivity momentary negative emotion, resentment, rage and anger, the parents start to curse their children. Cooled down, they are taken to stroke the child's head and say that he is the best. But the poison has already acted ... After all these monstrous words, especially the curse forever imprinted in the subconscious of the child and adult life must appear in the guise of various adversities and misfortunes. Do not we have children in order to destroy their life?
"Kind words"
Or, without knowing it, from ignorance, not deliberately name-calling parents of the child "gentle" with the words: "My rat," "Hello, bonehead!" Or "Hey, dude!". The words somehow materialize, that's it. That's ... no need to call the rat of a child, it is better to let it be young lions! Remember, please, this scheme. You can write it in bold marker and hang in a conspicuous place, so to speak, do not forget:
Words - Thoughts - Emotions - Action - Fate
Yes, that under this scheme forms your destiny. Words form thoughts and emotions. Thoughts and emotions form the action. Actions form destiny. Remember what happened to movie characters of our childhood "Guest from the Future." Alisa Selezneva in the film said that in the footsteps of his father and will be engaged in space biology. Indeed, this actress is currently working in the microbiology laboratory. A prophetic words of Cole Gerasimov, traceable throughout the series, that he would die and so, too true. The actor died in the accident.
Well, the immortal words of my beloved Scarlett O'Hara: "God is my witness! I will not let you damn Yankees, hurt me! I'll go through everything and bear it! And when the war ends, I will not starve! "Never!" - For me is the motto for life. Realize that each word is linked with the association. For example, when you hear the word "lemon" - in the mouth involuntarily felt acid, and the word "barbecue" immediately reminds cottage, nature. You begin to flow salivating, therefore, the word affects the digestive system. And when you hear the word "death", you'll wish you like it or not, just for a split second immediately lowered mood. Think about it, and in fact was uttered only a single word!
You can even write a big, bright letters compliment your child and hang the sheet over his bed or in front of a desk. Can you imagine what an invaluable contribution to his self-esteem you will make, if he starts every morning with what will be read those magic words. Conversely, let him while washing dishes, standing in line for bread or while traveling on public transport was continually whispering the words full of miraculous power.
Beauty Joy
Prosperity Love
Power of Youth
Fortuna Health
Wealth Triumph