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Do not settle for half measures

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Do not settle for half measures!

In life it is very important to meet a man similar in spirit, beloved, as they say, a soul mate. He sure somewhere there, you need only to find it, wait. But we are hurrying time, vanity and fear that can not meet the man of her dreams. Once we cease to believe that this will ever happen, and agree on a substitute, half-measures replacement. Do not settle for half measures!

Where are the half-measures?

For example, you meet a man. It provides you the signs of attention. He's good, really good. He is attentive and caring, he loves you, you like it ... feel it? You want to say that you love him, but you are assailed by doubts. Maybe you're inspired yourself that you love? Come to this logical? After all, he has many advantages that can not be overlooked. They say that in the first seconds of the first meeting - in the eye - should something happen, something eludes logic. Feelings still stronger, and if they suggest that you have met your soul mate, then the way it is. And if your heart tells you that he's not, and you continue to convince ourselves otherwise, bring one thousand arguments "for", then most likely you will be deceived. To deceive enough the first time, then everything goes according thumb. It's like a betrayal, not just someone, but yourself.

Probably the most important skill that's worth getting in life - to stop deceiving ourselves. A classic example of deception: I'm happy ... That's right, with an ellipsis.And in the eyes of anguish, like a sick dog. Why so? Because in fact - is unhappy.After all, once agreed here on the half-measures, it has made a compromise to the detriment of their own desires, and then forgot and did what she wanted in fact. In our case, you desire a simple to banality: to meet the very man with whom reliable, quiet and warm. There is a good test that helps determine vashli a man.
Ask yourself: I am happy with this person? If you want to shout in response: Yes! - Then you really met a man he dreamed of. And now another answer: Well, in general, as it were, maybe ... Alas, you have to work on relationships, and if this fails, consider: Is it worth wasting time on someone who does not suit you. Decide for yourself, it's your life and in your power to live it happily: just vsegdadelat what you want, choosing not "just to come", but the best. If buying clothing and footwear, we try not to violate this principle, then why make mistakes when choosing the most important in life?

Allow yourself handsome!

As anyone, but for me it looks a man has never been a determining factor. I, frankly, turning a blind eye. The main thing that the man was good to his soul was beautiful.And now I write these lines and think: maybe I'm just deceiving themselves?Similarly, deceived! Why is my favorite man can not be beautiful, not only the soul but the body? Maybe! No wonder that stuck with an early age stereotypes are still not allowed to enjoy close communion with the handsome prince. Urgent change settings! Get out of the mysterious Russian soul need to have as a husband or lover of one-legged invalid in tattered rags. Besides praying for shelter and assistance to the Russian narrow my chest. So.

1. It monitors your body

Sports. Any, I have no complaints. Of course, a very good idea if a martial art: breathing practices, meditation, gentle movements and as a result, prolonged sex.Yes, and soul - do not forget about it - when doing martial arts is becoming more beautiful every day.

2. The face of it is beautiful

Why must Quasimodo, but still used? Where I come from just such a male? Really smart, experienced man must necessarily be broken life, like clothes moths? Wide furrow wrinkles from the first failed marriage, dark circles under his eyes from the second of eternal love. But did I need it? No! Hence, choose a hot young blond with dark hair or eyes, crammed to overflowing with wisdom, with a light stubble, under which glows childishly smooth skin.

3. No hair, and shock

With great zeal society drove into my miserable head that neat male baldness - a sign of the accumulated intelligence who eat follicles. Why did the man in the prime of life are not able to keep my head on a rich hair? No, I'm not so good. So, you know, it is nice to run his hand into a thick fragrant hair, especially at night.

4. Health can not be bought, it can come up with

You've seen healthy men? I do not. After thirty a man begins to slowly but surely seek to old age. In his body starting to wake up sleeping until now hemorrhoids, prostate, pancreatic and gastric ulcer. Again, blame socially accepted installation.Fashion commits to smoke, and this process of health, alas, does not add. Drink - from a daily bottle of beer or two and ostogrammlivaniya in the near drinking place until after the cognac business negotiations "solely in the interest of the case."Hmmm, to choose something someone? Probably easier to lift a vegetarian with a healthy gleam in his eye. After all, relations with the prince can go very far, and the fruit of love has a right to be healthy.

5. Attitude to life

Worst one-legged invalid in tattered rags can only be hopeless nerd. Him everything everyone should. In all are guilty of either women or circumstances. Please him is impossible, even if you ask such a purpose. No thanks, too, so I will not do. I'd look for her prince: it will be great to create a strong floor, equally responsive to female hysteria and desperate situation of silent white-toothed smile and a wave of eyelashes.

With such a miracle, life becomes simple and uncomplicated, and because the rapidly approaching happiness. The image of the prince is ready. You can add the details and colors, a storm of passions and a few drops of boring logic. And now the most important: with the help of his boundless imagination to squeeze into the picture feel loved, even if painted portrait will be resisted.
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