Do not tell me about yourself too much
Any information about you may be used against you. It is the law of manipulation. If you calculated the robot, try to deprive him of his main weapons - information about yourself, for the most effective way to counter manipulation - nothing about himself to tell. In reality, it is difficult to resist the suggestion of the manipulator, especially if you are cute. But still in your best interest to pull myself together and abandon his bid. For a start take a position of defense. In every way to ignore his suggestions, do not tell me about yourself too much.
However, to achieve their own, a clever manipulator might invite you to visit a trendy club or a newly opened bar. Give up without explanation. It is not necessary to go into detail and tell him that you prefer other types of leisure or you do not really like loud places. By entering into an explanation, you're helping manipulator: gives you invaluable information about yourself that he will definitely try to use it. A week later, he can give you a ticket to the cinema or theater. Maybe he really wants you to like, and perhaps this is just a tactical move. Rather, he is just looking for you special treatment.

Tries to use knowledge about you, you also dictated. Once you accept his offer, he immediately begins to use his influence on you. Girls often fall for dexterous manipulators, coming into contact with them, talking about interests and hobbies. Experienced men from one small conversation will remove immediately all the necessary information about you and use it next time. Therefore, in the struggle with the manipulator beware, do not enter into long conversations, do not tell about their hobbies and secrets.
If you do not want to seem rude, answer all his questions in the abstract, for example, that you do not want to talk, you are not fun or that you have too much to do. These answers you stumped even the most dexterous manipulator, he can not learn anything new about you and most likely some time later he was forced to leave the dream to make the execution of the task.