Do not trouble yourself to a self-fulfilling
Before about the evil eye damage and say yes to tell what they are, I would like you to anticipate - and more often we ourselves bedevil. How can this happen? And it is in our bad thoughts. So you bought yourself updated some and think: "All obzaviduyutsya. And those thoughts spoil yourself. Or here is how can happen: you get sick, the doctor did not check for damage and all think. And the thoughts of their life force taken away, relax yourself, and thus damage to itself attracts. Therefore, I give you the first pledge - at least try to lean thinking to myself no slander, and others in black thoughts without special reason not to suspect. Many people come to me with various ills, but as you begin to understand, and it turns out that half of them on themselves courting trouble.
And now that I do anticipate strictly, let's see, what is corruption and evil eye, and how to distinguish them from bad luck and misfortune.