Do we understand our children?
Understand a person means to see the reasons for his actions, to explain that led to act in certain ways. To learn how to understand, it is necessary to reduce the excessive demands that he simply can not perform. Do we understand our children? Explain the child's behavior can be analyzed in what conditions is its development. If the baby is constantly yelling, use of physical punishment, it is likely to emerge the need to avoid such shocks and, consequently, manifest negative traits such as lying, fearfulness, distrust, aggression ...
If your baby to protect from work and all of it served adults, the child becomes a lazy, weak-willed, would avoid any cases, so - to pretend, crouch, dodge, to cheat. Another option, when the kid just spoiled: buying expensive clothes and toys, anything he did not refuse. Such a child develops an exorbitant claim, but at the same time and the inability to take care of things and appreciate the work invested in them. Remember that a lack of communication can not be filled expensive toys, clothes, unquestioning compliance with all of his desires.
The baby will be poorly developed intellect, thinking, the ability to experience, interest in knowledge, if you have not read his books, little contact with him. After all, intellectual inclinations are laid in early childhood, so talk with him, teach him to love books, but not forced to read by force - get back a negative effect. Sometimes parents are very zealous to educate children. From an early age are hiring tutors, give the prestigious kindergartens and schools with special slopes, download music schools, dancing, etc. But somehow forget to ask him about whether he likes it all. Note that a very small number of children involved in singing, dancing, music with gusto.
Do not load the kid that he is not interested. Try to find out his likes and find appropriate employment. Give him the right choice, the right to decide himself what he will do. From early childhood develop abilities in children. Prompt attention to their hearts, wake presentation and observation. For this, use a variety of subjects, learn to describe them, talk about their appointment. Develop the mental capacity to help the kid find themselves in the future.

For the development of the baby a sense of love and compassion can make any pet. He was proud to tell everyone that he has a hamster or kitten. Show your child how to properly care for it, than to feed, as is generally necessary to treat him. If you notice that it offends the animal, explain that he was also alive and it hurts. Tell us what animal has lost his parents, he was very lonely, and you want about him someone cared. Teach him to care about the animal, and you will see what will result. This will bring up to him not only a love for nature and animals, but it helps to understand its significance, the need for someone to relieve feelings of loneliness. A child with other eyes look at your relationship with him that will help strengthen them.
A child in need of attention parents
If you notice in your baby's propensity to lie, try to discover the cause. Often lie arises from fear of punishment. Do not punish him too severely, the more you should avoid corporal punishment cruel. Try to find out why the child was lying, hearken to his problem. Maybe talking to him, you will save him not only from this evil, fear, but from other complexes. Allow your child to show its relevance, paid attention to his desires (reasonable, of course!). After all, self-expression - most importantly, the urgent need of human nature.
Allow your child to participate in your classroom, no matter what you do - wash the floor or cook breakfast. He was very important to feel that he trusted to do something on a par with adults. Because children from an early age begin to imitate their parents, quickly absorbing everything I saw and heard. Involvement of the child for some cases not only teaches him to work, but also brings with her parents. Such a child will be with respect and understanding for his parents to what they do. Optional charging the kid something complex, with which he is unable to cope. Give him a job that he can do: wash in a bowl, wipe the dust off the table, finally, to lay down their toys. Praise him, tell him that he was very helpful to you and without it you would not have coped.
In no case, do not cry, if the kid is trying to do with what can not cope. See how he tries to do it, help him. Say that he lad. If, for example, decided to think of something to sew, and next turns to the doll daughter, drew her to his occupation. Give trim fabric, let also doing something. If she has something wrong, help her. Do not forget the praise, because for a child it means a lot. Or another situation: Dad carpentry shelf in the hallway. Near revolves son, missing tools, nails, "confused" under their feet.
Do not chase him, do not be afraid that it will hit my thumb with a hammer or drop the tool on the leg. Let it helps, tell me that without it nothing happens. Give a job to him, he gladly complied with and that it was safe for him. You'll see amazing results when his son will be proud to tell everyone that he and his dad made a shelf. Very positive effect on relationship with the child cooperative games that are not only fun but also educational information. Children play are their main occupation, but they should be addressed in such a way that they aroused the harmonious activity of all the mental abilities of a baby, avoiding one-sidedness.
Encourage your child to play at speed, for example, who quickly gather a pyramid. Of course, you should give in, and when the baby is proud to show that he first did it, praise it. Playing with your baby or engaging in some kind of thing, you make friends with him. The child is interested in you, you make up one whole. Very positive effect on family relationships walks. You've probably often seen the picture when the baby, tightly holding hands with mom and dad, proudly strode to the promenade. Run around with him, play some games, rocking on the swings, lie in the snow or leave the target snowballs. Joint walk not only elevate mood, promote better physical development of the baby, but also strengthen relationships.
Little children, it would seem, in this age to innocent wonder subtly perceive any, including the most intimate, the feelings of their parents. Under normal circumstances, it is a harmonious combination of these feelings creates a child's sense of confidence and happiness. To have existed between you mutual understanding and trust, you have all your love and attention to give your baby, from an early age to train to work, respect for adults who appreciate the friendship. Pay him as much attention, not run away from his children's issues, both from the nuisance. Try to become your child a true friend, and then you see his shining eyes and realize that for him you are not just mom, the subject of adoration and worship, protection and support you - his most faithful and reliable friend.