Do you have impure own army?
Yes. Do demons exist regiments and legions, there is a demonic guard. Only thirteen demons Guards regiments. They picked out demons growth of 3,05 m to 3,20 m. The strongest regiment number 13. At the head of each regiment is demon-colonel.
In addition, there are six demonic legions of guards. Growth of demons in them - from 3,25 m to 3,4 m. The strongest - the sixth legion. At the head of every legion is demon-General. The number of devils Regiment - 1000besov, and a legion composed 666besov.
They even have awards. They can increase in rank and position, set the title. The more harm they cause to people, the richer their reward. The main award of the devil are the wings, which awards them the devil. But such awards are very rare. There are also badges. The main award - "The skull and bones" of three degrees. "The skull and bones" of the first degree is made of pure gold. And for special merit awards devil his team a six-pointed diamond star.