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Doctor ourselves Color

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Doctor ourselves Color
Colors play a huge role in our lives, they may have cause various emotions associated with something beautiful, or conversely, to influence us on a physiological level. For example, red in the optical longest wavelength, it promotes its penetration deep into living tissue. It affects their nutrition, increases blood pressure, increases muscle tone. Red acts on human excitingly, this is due to the fact that the very first association, which is red - blood. The impact of color on our lives is huge - home, office, on vacation, we try to be among those colors, which bring us comfort.
When a man is tired of it at a subconscious level tends to get into a relaxing and soothing atmosphere. He reaches the green, because this color is associated with forest and meadow, and as we know being among the green leaves a person calms down and relaxes. To cheer up, we want to warm and bright - yellow, because this color is associated with sunshine and golden beaches, which means rest, the summer sea. Also has beneficial effects on the psyche and mood blue because the color of the sky and water, and water, as is known, soothes and restores the nervous system. Treatment of the color used in the Middle Ages, and was born color therapy, according to scientists, in the distant past in India, China, Egypt and Persia.

Most of us know the basic properties of several colors. In general awareness is limited to green - that calms, red - that excites and yellow - which elevates mood. In this case, for some reason, it is believed that color affects our mind and body only in the interior, if we are doing home renovations, then try to surround yourself with colors that will soothe and enhance the mood. But few of us ponder over the fact that the color of the clothes in exactly the same effect on our psyche and our physiology. The color of our clothing is in close proximity to our body, so the impact on the physiological level and psychologically even more than the walls of the room in which we find ourselves. If you choose clothing based not only on fashion trends and personal preferences, and guided by knowledge of color therapy, can improve both your physical and emotional well-being.


Choosing his casual clothes to work, at red stop not many. Confused screaming brightness of this color, it seems that it is red throws a challenge to all the other colors. Personally, I always belonged to the red color with caution, it seemed to me to wear a red dress or skirt is possible unless a party for some celebration, too provocative, was in my understanding of this color. My opinion about the red color will make change my close friend who just fixated on it. No, she does not walk constantly in the red, but almost all her clothes there is at least a part or accessory red. My girlfriend is very energetic person, purposeful, strong-willed. Later, fascinated by color therapy, and after reading about it not one book, I understood why the red color was chosen friend of mine.

Red - is primarily the color of energy and initiatives. We say that the color red, like a lighthouse - it can be seen a mile away, he will perforce attract attention, then we should take advantage of its features! If you want change, want to appear in your life something new, take advantage of the properties of red! Think about what makes an impression on you, for example, a woman in a red dress? True for some reason it seems that in front of you, at least, the person, self-confident? Because the color red - it boldly! It is the color of revolution, rebellion, protest! Therefore, man in red makes an impression of an energetic person that is ready to handle any task.

In addition, red is always considered the color of love, because it symbolizes the red heart. The woman in red always looks especially tempting. This color is often used in wedding ceremonies of many peoples. And how do you groom a red wedding dress? Cheeky, is not it, but it's also very symbolic! Red is a challenge, so if you're willing to change something in your life to start anew, from scratch, or you are waiting for a new relationship, you are full of new ideas and boundless energy - do not resist his desire to wear red!


It is the color of nature: the hills, forests and meadows. Color, which calms and tunes on the positive. Therapist, Louise Hay, who has written many books on how to love yourself and live in harmony with the environment, believes that green is the color work and practicality. And green can be associated with learning and growth, as all green plants grow from a small seed. If we talk about everyday clothes, it probably makes sense to choose clothes and accessories green shades. If we talk about school uniforms, then it is logical based on the properties and definitions of green, make the shape is green. Working in teams, where employees are dressed in green uniforms, it is likely a positive attitude, attitude to work.

In Feng Shui Green is responsible for health and calms the nerves and balances the energy balance in our body. Also no secret that the green color in Feng Shui is used to raise money for welfare. Hence, choosing green clothing, you not only get inner peace, the opportunity to focus exclusively on work, but also will think about professional growth, the easier it will be given to the study. If we talk about the healing properties of green color, then its main effect of pain. It reduces fatigue, lowers blood pressure, relieves migraines and enhances the capillaries.


Blue color associated with the sky and the sea and is known to clear sky and calm sea are changeable, so the color blue brings surprises, changes, trip. If you want to make in my life diversity, fill it with romance and change - will surely fill your wardrobe with things blue. If we are talking about creating a romantic image, it is in the blue outfit creates a unique sensation of a light, delicate image. Blue clothes perfectly conveys relief fabrics, drapes and folds look somehow more advantageous in that color. The therapeutic effect of blue color due to the fact that the Cote d'Azur and the blue sea gave a positive effect on the health and psyche of people. Blue stones, for example, normalize heart function and treat eye disease and the liver.


The blue color is quite low, so it is suitable for teachers and administrators. Impression of inaccessibility, so the costumes and all the clothes in this color should not be worn to a business meeting, despite the fact that blue is the color of truth, justice and fairness, he did not seek to bridge gaps with its partners. So a person in a blue suit could give the impression of a man intractable and distant. When are the contract and raises important signature, should vest in warm shades. Color blue calms even more effectively than blue, but be careful when so many blue effect can get back - instead of resting, he will act oppressively.


Yellow is associated with joy, sunshine and holidays. When we experience depression, psychologists advise how to better illuminate the room in which we are most of the time, and surround yourself with shades of yellow and orange. If you want to cheer yourself up and create a soul celebration - wear something yellow! If we talk about the healing properties, yellow stimulates the eye, brain and nervous system.


The orange color is a combination of yellow and red, these two colors joined together and gave a whole new color. Orange - about friendship, cooperation and diplomacy. If you're going to an important meeting supplement your closet orange accessory or ornament, if looking for someone with a reconciliation, following a meeting with the person wearing something orange. The healing powers of orange is that it helps to regenerate tissue, rejuvenates and improves circulation. True abundance of orange colors in your wardrobe can make you overly emotional and irritable.


Color purple brings mystery and secrecy, is it something mystical. This color is ideal for evening dresses, if you want to surround yourself with an aura of mystique, wearing a purple things, and use it as an accessories and jewelry. Violet is a mixture of red and blue - on the one hand the energy, fire, call the other: wisdom, cool head, tact. The combination of red and blue akin Union - fire and ice. On the one hand, this color will soothe the other to give confidence in their abilities. As in the case of the blue, violet excess eventually will depress, so use it, not forgetting about the sense of measures.


Pink color associated with romance, pink dreams and love, so this color perfectly enhances the mood. It is also believed that the color pink - the color of success. If you want you are lucky that everything turned out the way you want - wear something pink!

Black, white, gray

White color is associated with purity, cleanliness of thoughts, the purity of soul, with openness and holiness. Therefore, this color is often advised to psychologists for people to get confused and bitter, it helps to relieve internal stress. The black color is not only the color of mourning and negatives, it is associated with severity, discipline and endurance.

Tell me, what other color would allow others, not being distracted by the clothes, will focus only on the individual? Yes, it is black! But be careful, being depressed and depressed, we should not exacerbate all black. Gray color associated with the storm clouds, shadows and dreariness. And as the color "gray matter", ie our brain, so is the color of intellect. If you are going to defend a thesis or give a public lecture, it makes sense to wear something gray. But do not get carried away gray things, unfortunately, they do not have joy, so wear them often is not worth it.


Symbols of brown - is the soil, autumn, reliability and endurance. If you wear something brown to you quickly feel the trust, you will be asking the Board, your opinion will always be interesting. If you lost your footing, you do not have enough confidence in their abilities, and you often depends on someone else's opinion - which means it's time to buy a pair of brown stuff. Brown helps to focus on goals, be more collected, but an excess of this color can lead to frequent bouts of melancholy.

Combine incongruous

Now I want to say a few words about the combination of colors. Nothing creates a stunning effect, as a combination, it would seem quite inappropriate colors. On the other hand it begs the question why a person is trying to link together these colors? What motivates them? This desire to stand out, the lack of taste and sense of color and yet in such moments we are driven by our subconscious? Let's try to understand

Moreover, relying on the symbolism and associations linked to certain colors.

Black and white

This is the most common combination, which we however, have become accustomed. Game of contrasts, a combination of completely different colors are not transitioning from one to another. Perhaps such a combination is a reflection of our joint entity. The man himself is composed of opposites, we have a white - light, and black - darkness. Our life consists of black and white stripes, so intuitively we are drawn specifically to these two colors, and often many of us can not distinguish one color from another. Black and white clothes become familiar to us, and we perceive it as a whole. Black jacket and white shirt, white blouse and black skirt, etc. The combination of these colors have become classics, and regardless of fashion trends is strongly retained in their positions.

Brown and blue

Honestly, for me it is unthinkable combination of colors, and the first time I read about it in the wonderful novel "War and Peace. Reading the episode, when Princess Mary was prepared to get acquainted with the bride and dressed in a brown dress with blue ribbon, I wondered why the bow is blue? What a nightmare, he is absolutely not compatible with the brown. And if we bear in mind that Mary was not so dazzlingly beautiful, but rather on the contrary, it was not pretty at all, this outfit threw me even more perplexing, despite the fact that the choice of just such a fashion dress dictated by the then.

Later, while studying the properties of color, the memory surfaced just this episode from the book - brown dress and blue bow. And I was very surprised by an interesting coincidence. Brown includes a combination of red and yellow, as a result of the energy of red muted calm of yellow, therefore it is considered that the brown color is very calm and balanced. And what happened in the book? Mary with a quiet showers gave her boyfriend with another woman. A blue ribbon is also shown the symbolism of the color. Despite the resignation, Mary in the soul has sought to change, dreaming .. wanted to love. I did not know whether Tolstoy thought about the symbolism of flowers and their effect on humans, but now I dress Maria Bolkonskaya does not seem so ridiculous.

Purple and yellow

As a combination of blue with brown, fairly unusual tandem. One of the values of the purple color is - death, and the value of yellow - the sun, day, and, of course, life. The combination of these colors say about life and death, about their relationship. This combination appeals to creative people, because purple is the grandeur, mystery, intrigue, and yellow - it's sensuality and celebration. I think that this combination will be successful for the actor on stage, it will give way epotazhnosti and personality.

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