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Domestic curses

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Domestic curses

This is a common household forms, such as infection, when you can pick up an infection in the transport or store. Enough to get involved in a conflict situation and get the consumer pointless damage, which in the next generations will manifest itself as a household curse. Therefore, if after the conflict you feel bad, it is better to remove damage.

Gypsy loop

One of the attendees, Mary Semyonovna suffered from gypsy loop. She said: "Woe is me terrible - the son of drug was carried away. Yes, and how not to get carried away: near a gypsy camp, the drug trade. Everyone know about it - we and the police, so no good there, nobody with them could not cope. I came to camp, found there an old gypsy, they have a chief, and say - how can you not ashamed of our young people to destroy something! And he answers: "We are up to your youth do not care, we need to feed their children-dressing. And your children in our gypsy loop will hang out '. "

Gypsy loop, explained Maria Semyonovna is such damage. Withdraw it easy: take a piece of red cloth tied to her three loops, set fire to the church candles and say a conspiracy:

Loop knitting is not on your neck, knit the loop on your zealots-pogubiteley, be in the loop of Judah, a man fierce, evil spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Canine counterfeit

Came to Mary Semyonovna one woman and told her what had happened to her: "We walked with a friend at the bus stop. And it was slippery, and the people - the whole crowd. Then the old woman slipped and even stretched out on the ice. See, I or my girlfriend pushed her accidentally. I rushed her to lift, and then suddenly threw up her grandmother's hand, pointed his finger at the beginning was to my girlfriend and said:

-Glohnesh, art sick, cough're dead! And then I stabbed:
Lai, a dog, with all perelaeshsya!

Then jumped to his feet, as the young, and ran away from us. And since that day, my friend began to ache. Cough hurts so that she does not breathe. Thinner, there is nothing to the hospital she was laid - a drip lies. I also have trouble for trouble. Her husband left, and how he can not escape something: I like to see him either, so annoying start. And cursed, cursed him was worth. So he could not resist. I thought, thought, and realized: it all started after the case with my grandmother. "

Such damage, explained Maria Semyonovna called canine redistribution. To remove it, you need to buy a plane and throw her dog with the words:

Eat a dog, biting his dog, bite, dog, eat meat, nibbled bones, cartilage, bite not Eat lest my soul, do not eat my body, do not bite my destiny. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy of revenge and curses

Read, if with someone big quarrel, to protect themselves from the curse. Must read twice a day, morning and evening for three.

Oak stands in the field, under the oak coffer copper, including a chest purse iron, including steel purse purse, purse in the stone nut, hazelnut worm in the fire. Sitting, turning, soul, Christian wants. That guards the chest girl, not miryanka not Chernitsov, no girl, no damsel, not a woman, not a widow, not old, not young woman. Sitting, not sleeping, staring at the chest, the eye never sleeps, the worm will not let on. On the chest seven locks Archangel, from the locks there are seven keys angelic, the keys are the angels in heaven carried, dropped into the sea, they fell into the sea, a white stone hit. As Belo black stone not to be, and those keys do not float upward. The worm is closed, the soul is free. Amen. Amen. Amen.
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