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Down with a bad mood

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Down with a bad mood!

Try to treat bad mood philosophically. Do not take your problems too seriously! Rather than delve into their feelings or deal with negative feelings, just let them separate themselves from them. For example, imagine that your bad mood - it's overcast, but the problem - just the rain, under which you came. Depending on the level of problems it can be a fine drizzling rain, rain and hail, or even a real storm. But in any event, rain - it's not you. Bad weather - it's also not you. Of course, not too pleased vymoknut rain. But you know something that the rain will end soon, and from behind the clouds look out the sun!

There is a very personal issue, which overshadows the lives of many families - no baby. Particularly affects women, as they sat in the subconscious mind: "If there are no children, so life was spent in vain." I have specifically studied the issue, talked to a gynecologist, questioned many people, and then held workshops, where we freely discuss this topic. So, precious brothers and sisters, the doctors told me that to date, thirty percent of men are infertile, while among women the percentage is even higher. You think that's an accident? Or consider this kind of punishment? No way! Learn to think big, globally. Our planet - a living organism. It is crowded, my friends! She is tough.

And so the Earth is trying to adjust the amount of people that inhabit it. So do not spoil your life because of the fact that in this incarnation you have children does not happen. Were in past lives, will in the future. If you really really want to become parents - take the baby from an orphanage, it will be a doubly good thing. In addition, your wise body always knows what is best for you. So trust him and relax. Everything happens for your own good. Do not torture yourself debilitating research and artificial insemination. I know couples who have spent tens of thousands of dollars on such procedures, and results - no. Do not forget that medicine now - it's a business, and what you offer to do a lot of money, not necessarily beneficial. No one knows what the soul is infused with artificial insemination. The happiest people are emerging in the process of sincere and passionate love, and not on the cold glass in the laboratory. Get rid of guilt feelings and live a full life, okay? By the way, I can offer a wonderful umbrella for all cases of bad weather, that is a bad mood! This is an excellent and very funny simoronskaya technique, which I very successfully, and take great pleasure in all difficult cases. Down with a bad mood!
Choose for themselves a new name

The idea is simple, as all ingenious. You only rename itself and thus start to look at their problems as if from, and generally see the world around us quite a new light. For example, call a rather chubby Pink Fluffy elephant or floral swirl on the sun Polianka. You be surprised how dramatically change your mood! And the problem seemed to begin to dissolve in the light of new attitudes. That's what I told my disciple.

I have had serious problems with my husband and I went to the south to rest and think about life. During the holidays, walking on the beach, I invented a new name. I was telling myself: I - the first lady. It immediately became a very fun, I was to keep your back straight and appeared in his eyes a mystery. And the most interesting thing is that when I'm in this image came to dinner at the hotel, one of the waiters said, smiling: "That's our first lady has come."

Universe reads our information, and that waiter was a conductor, to convey greetings from the thinking of the universe! Of course, it's best if you think his new name for yourself. Funnier than it is, the better. Do not hesitate, do not be afraid to seem silly. Can invent any absurdity - if only she had found in his heart joyful response. Best name - something that immediately makes you smile. Now, whenever you feel like a new "attack" bad mood, immediately remind yourself that you do not have to do with him. Because you - the Flower Elephant, flit in the solar Polyanke! Establish a new state of affirmation: "I thank Life for a wonderful world filled with joy and harmony. My happiness is boundless! I enjoy every moment of your life! "

The second step towards a harmonious and joyful state of the soul - a smile. This is perhaps the most powerful weapon against stress and bad mood. Even if you are not happy, but grin gets a bit strained, she still runs the subconscious "a mechanism of happiness." If you smile, the body automatically starts to produce hormones joy - endomorfiny. And then your smile is truly sincere and joyful! The same thing happens when you straightened straightens his shoulders and raised his head. This pulse operates smoothly: upright posture and a smile on his face always give you strength and confidence. And such a state, in turn, will inevitably lead you to success! You are increasingly going to hear compliments to your address.

Now, when you smile quite easily, but on the bad mood is almost no trace, you can calmly analyze the situation. But please, focusing on the positive. Look at all good, try to see the benefits of their current situation. For clarity, can do this exercise.

Exercise "changes its attitude to the problem"

Take a piece of paper and write in two columns pluses and minuses of a problem situation arose. If you only see the cons, think again! In all, even the most severe case, you can find the positive side - it is important to only look at the incident from another angle. For example, if you broke up with someone you love, you can consider themselves lonely (it's less ...) and can say that now you are free (of course, that's a plus!). Feel how positive assessment of what is going change our attitude to the problem?

Now, carefully review your list, turn the paper and on the reverse side of the record, also in two columns, you can do, what specific actions should be taken to halt or reduce the impact of minuses and pluses to enhance the effect. For example, in the event of separation in the first column you can write: "We should communicate more with nice people. On Friday, go to the cinema with her best friend! "In the second column:" We should pay more attention to yourself, your goals, desires and pleasures. Tomorrow I will make a new haircut, next month sign up for courses in English! "

I promise you that you immediately feel a huge relief, as if a heavy stone fell from the soul. And it all is that you have found the strength to rise above circumstances, the courage - quietly and soberly face the problem and wisdom - to direct the energy of your emotions in a positive manner of creative action. It was so real mistress destiny administers their lives on their own. Bravo! I just admire you, my dear! In any complex, crisis situations are always hidden opportunity for growth, development and success. Only need the right approach to the problem. Retaining a positive attitude, focusing on its positive aspects and specific actions to address it, you will turn the most difficult situation in his assistant and invaluable teacher. Importantly - never give up and not lose heart. Then, any trouble you can get to work for you!
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