Down with the dastardly fears!
To enter the office of a chief, calls for courage is not less than enter into the cell to the hungry predator. Call the customer in advance assuming failure - not for the faint of heart. Looking to the future, many destroy same nerve cells as is required in order to close a recess of an enemy bunker. Dastardly podsoznanie leads our car into the realm of fear, paralyzing the will. Have to change yourself in the driver's seat. Down with the dastardly fears! You can use the following means:
Tablets of fear
Issued in the form of formulas of autosuggestion. It is recommended to take in situations where the need to act, and hamstring shaking.
Autosuggestion formula:
I must:
- Tempt fortune, using all available resources and talents.
- Refers to a crash, as rehearsals that taught me to play with artistic performances, entitled "Please," "The Offer", "requirement" with the planned and desired results.
- Enjoy personal growth and development, which build only in the gym with the name of "difficult situations".
I have the right to:
- Do nothing and delay the time to go into the jaws of the lion, only if the result does not bother me.
- Indulge in sadness and anxiety, loss if the price of inaction is not too large.
- Do not feel sorry for missed opportunities if those opportunities vanish.
If you have not made a step forward, you involuntarily took a step back.
Leaving the state of the storm often simply as a rake.
"Not so devil ..." Mean-spirited does not drive away the fear and go through to the end, as if all this happened. Be sure to stay alive and even safe. Enjoy the effect. (It turns out not so devil as he is painted.)
"Postpone until tomorrow." Forbid yourself, like Scarlett, think about it before it happens in reality (after all, this may not happen. But how sweet possibility poperezhivat advance, is not it?).
"Here and Now." Catch to enjoy the here and now all this is happening (the sun, weather, other people and life itself).
Put your emotional barometer of the state of "Tosca" on the state of "rest":
- Listen to music.
- Watch a good comedy or melodrama.
- Buy yourself flowers.
- Take a bath and relax, not only physically but also psychologically.
- Think about the meaning of life.
- Tell yourself or friends about his fears, changing the style of narration. Talking cheerfully and with courage.
Cool - way to stand out with the eccentricity
Standing under the gun, probably hard to be cool, but ... oddly enough, you can.
Oriental methods of suppression of fear.
They are taken from the arsenals of the Japanese ninja, which in its combat and especially the psycho-physiological qualities are unmatched.
Who interferes with their master, to be like everyone else, you are fed up with the order?
Tell yourself that it is today:
1.YA stop playing show called "I'm not lucky" and simultaneously be a martyr, playing on the stage and the audience were wiping their eyes with a handkerchief ...
2. I stop taking tablets of self-torture in the form of the thoughts that habitually suck like lollipops:
- "I'll never survive without him (her) money, somebody's support and so forth."
- "I no longer love."
- "On me may be attacked."
- "I may lose my job."
- "I can not get sick."
- "What if I quit?"
- "It was good when ..."
- "And suddenly I was down?"
- "Why did I just (got married, was admitted to the institute, took a loan, etc.)?"
- "The keys to happiness is always at another's door."
This sweet poison guarantees neurosis, illness, a sad end to a beautiful gravestones and epitaphs, and shoots the already short life. And you need it, as they say in Odessa?
Is the fate of the chosen? Is not happiness - just to live? Would have been happy times and social formations? If you see a "donut hole", then there must be somewhere, and "donut", is not it? In fact, there is no stress, except near death. Everything else is just a grimace of life.