Dream is the same!
Ancient people thought was a dream relationship with the other world, where our future has long been a foregone conclusion. Interpreted the dreams of the Jewish King Solomon, and the blind seer Wang, and grandfather the sexual revolution of Sigmund Freud. It was from him the first time people have learned: flying in a dream does not mean that you grow, it is a symbol of sexual intercourse. Sex can be encrypted in the image of climbing the stairs. Pencil, a cigarette and a hammer point directly to the male genitalia, and bottle pocket and box - for women. I wonder what Freud would say, come to his dream is sensitive to touch IPad?
The most common today dream book was compiled American psychologist Gustav Miller in the XIX century. His work, which includes more than ten thousand different interpretations of characters and events - "pop" from a sleepy kingdom, the number of editions which may envy the greatest writers. This is a dream of Miller's cat in the plot, a dog - a loyal friend, tincture of opium will minor ailments sitter drain the wallet, nickel (important in a dream not to confuse it with silicon or magnesium) promises demeaning work for you, churn - Version cherished desires, and addictive Travel to Africa with cannibals foretells that in life you will harass enemies.
Modern scholars in the interpretation of dreams "on booklet" or, in a more advanced version, "the Internet" are treated with irony. Universal otgadok for dreams do not exist - in one voice they say. Nobody can guarantee that dreamed shit - it's about money, not to upset stomach. Dreams - the same fingerprints or iris - individual and very personal, unique for each person. For any event, seen in a day or experienced long ago, there is a special encrypted image and its explanation. So what, finally, does all this mean?

Should not be deluded and overly romanticized dreams, says Dr. Poluektov. In most cases, people dream about the most banal things. And it is absolutely normal. "90% of dreams - the primitive, home. But if she starts dreaming of something sort of, you need to consider whether there is internal trouble or latent conflict. If the obvious in a moment become unrealistic form, so our consciousness hides the source of problems in the subconscious and signal about it from the depths. Best to contact the therapist, "- concludes Michael Poluektov.
With a sleep disagree Boris Suvorov. In the psychological center of the "Seven birds» (www.7birds.ru) psychotherapist conducts special training, which teaches students not only the right to sleep and wake, but also independently "interpret" dreams. His law of the four "no" states: "We have never dreaming that we do not care, do not worry and not interests."
"Read" knew how to dream the ancient people who paid much attention to the irrational component of the personality, and we laid it genetically. But we just forgot about it.
Our dream is influenced by many factors, including a purely physiological. So, alarum veiled can "infiltrate" into a dream as a fire siren, the thirst will cause the image of the river, and playful pinching wife sent a man to the guillotine. Real stimuli, skillfully woven fabric of the brain in a dream, nothing more than as a defensive reaction. Unconsciously, we are doing everything possible to not wake up until the REM sleep is not over, and trying to deceive themselves.
"If you had a certain image, it can have several semantic load - from physiology and finishing with the meaning of life. And all this will be encrypted in the same symbol, "- says Dr. Suvorov.
Often during the night to us several times can dream the same dream. Thus the brain is considering possible ways out of a situation. In the morning we wake up with a ready solution that easily and naturally come to mind. In fact, in search of otgadki gone half the night. It is from here and went to the expression: "to sleep with a problem (unless, of course, this" problem "is not your husband / lover), or" sleep on it. "
A special case - repeated day in and day dreams. Thus caring brain struggles to get through to us, every time duplicating the dreams and patiently waiting for the same to a man finally comes: should immediately listen to the inner urge and examine the situation, perhaps even with the help of a psychologist.
Different dreams and sex. "A man always has a dream of any force - continues therapist. - Women development of the plot is not necessary. Importantly, this striking image - a ray of light or a river. Women's dreams are more emotional and colorful, and populated by a huge number of male characters. " Studies by American scientists made about 20 years ago, showed that: women who see the dream home environment and the guests can describe in detail who was wearing what and what kind of food served at the table. The editors of fashion and fashion industry professionals in addition to all call you the brand and year of release.
The men in dreams are much more sex, with the most - with strangers. But if women and given to someone in a dream, then do it with proven, or at least well-known person. For example, with George Clooney. Agree, it can not be called a stranger.
Altered dreams and during pregnancy, they appear Multi-format children and disproportionate body parts. At the last timing dreams become more alarming.
On the night of fantasy depends not only on gender differences, but our age. No, this does not mean that all 20-year-old dream of scenes involving Clemence poetry, and in 60 - with Sophia Loren. It's all about priorities in life. So, in a dream and grandparents continue to worry about the grandchildren, and students concerned with career choice.
It is interesting that most of civilization has influenced our nightmares. Thus, the most common themes for sleepy horror - it's dismissal and the loss of your mobile phone. During the crisis, added to the nightly horror denial of credit.