Dream makes the diagnosis of disease
"I dreamed that in my body a little crab crawling, I just felt, as he moves into his stomach and crawled out on the left lower back. I woke up with a sense of concern."
Any dreamed introduction into the body warns of impending illness. Should pay particular attention to the part of the body indicated a plot of sleep. In particular, in the dream we are likely talking about diseases of the stomach and adjacent organs. Crab belongs to the crustacean, lives in the sea and has a shell. This image suggests the cause of the illness - severe installation. The marine environment has to do with women's appearances, the left side of the body (the crab crawls out on the left) also indicates the area of women's instincts and feelings. In this dream, there is a contradiction: the crab as a symbol of aggressive defensive behavior and female environment - a symbol of acceptance, passivity and trust. In some respects Elena behaves too stubbornly, not flexible. The recipe in this case is: become softer, do not be so arrogant, or a year or two the disease will manifest itself
Disturbing dreams begin to dream of long before the appearance of bodily symptoms. Moreover, the more serious illness, the earlier a warning dreams - sometimes for 10-15 years before doctors diagnosed. The fact that at the level of mental illness has emerged. For its emergence, there was reason: for example, an acute sense of grievance lodged in the body and start to destroy the energy shell of a body. In this case, the dream, rejecting all other tasks that will send you warning signals of danger. For example, on a cold so you can find out a week before its first manifestation. About an impending exacerbation of chronic illness or a fit - for a month. By learning to understand the language of dreams, you can prevent illness.

How to distinguish sleep-diagnosis from the other night vision? He always leaves an unpleasant aftertaste, disturbing and thought-provoking. Pay attention to all the dreams in which your body is introduced something foreign, there is a loss of blood, hair and teeth, tissue damage. something explodes or grows. About the disease and show images of dead tissue: pieces of meat, spoiled food. However, sometimes these dreams are symbolic and can anticipate problems mentally. Additional criterion that forces to consult a doctor - recurring dreams in which suffers the same organ or body part.
Tricky subconscious can carry on the clinical pictures of people with whom you are close to (your age and gender), as well as animals or ... dolls.
There is a dream spoiled food - an indication that you should pay attention to the condition of the stomach.
Dreams in which you communicate with grandparents, talk about chronic fatigue, weakness and infirmity. These unpleasant symptoms may occur in your body any time soon.
Tooth loss in a dream - the loss of tone and weakened immunity. Dreams about losing teeth suggest to you. that extra aggression or defense cause tension in the body and fatigue.
Hair - the symbolic extension of your thoughts. If in your dreams they are thinning or falling out, then you are depriving yourself of vital forces in his own thoughts, or idle chatter.
Skin - protective cover with impeccable us from the outside world. Damage to the skin suggests that people feel very vulnerable in a relationship with people.
Blood - a symbol of vitality and blood ties. Blood loss may indicate a vampiric effect on you by others.
Fall into the fire, burn - probably rise in body temperature, fever, flu.
Lightning warns of heart problems. About angina say dreams in which you are crushed by heavy objects, you have something chokes.
Go through the dark maze of narrow - there may be problems with the intestines. If you are trying to escape through a narrow slit or a window - probable appendicitis.
Rubbish may mean that it is time to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.
Muddy, dirty, stagnant water speaks of ill-health. If this is a pond or channels - is likely to be affected by the reproductive organs, the formation of cysts. Choke in the water - a lung disease.
Swallowing sharp objects - sore throat, throat diseases.
Hospital doctors, the survey - these dreams point to a painful situation in life, disability and erroneous decisions.
If you dream you put doctors diagnosis, this does not mean that it is correct. Perhaps floats your anxiety about their own health. Pay attention to the symbolic significance of disease or organ. Heart has to do with feelings and attitudes. Breast - feeding and care. Liver - repressed anger. Kidneys - the fear and frustration. Legs symbolize the movement of life, hands - the ability to act.
Before going to bed, we make the familiar ritual: take a shower, brush our teeth. If the procedures for cleaning the body to complement every night of the soul hygiene, the chances to maintain health and improve sleep increase
After a hard day's useful to get rid of negative emotions using the technique of "sweeps breath." Lying on your back, turn your head left and take a deep breath, while remembering the most embarrassing episode in the past day. Return to starting position and exhale what is bothering you. In the next breath turn your head to the right, and as you exhale again, return to starting position, finally breaking the negative energy ties. This exercise clears the mind, helps you relax and fall asleep.
Relieve muscle tension and get rid of intrusive thoughts can be pronouncing affirmations - positive statements that help change the mindset. Take 3 deep breaths, then slowly say to yourself the following words: "I let go of stress. I let go of fear. I am calm. I'm in tune with each other. I am safe."
Another technique to calm down - "rocking myself." Concentrate on your breathing and imagine that your body is gently rocking back and forth. You can imagine yourself swinging in a hammock or on the waves of the sea - calm and peaceful.
Tune in pleasant dreams, and be cleansed of negative energy accumulated during the day, technology helps the "white light". Going to bed, mentally surround yourself with a white glow (you can imagine the color that you like, but it must be light), like a guardian angel threw your blanket of love and protection.