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Dreams Come True

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Dreams Come True
I think you've heard the statement many times that if you really really want something, then that something will come true. Skeptics dismiss the allegations and said that all this is pure nonsense, if that were the case, then the Earth would have remained poor and sick people. I can assure you that skeptical people are profoundly mistaken!

First, the evaluation should be realistic, if dream to fly to Mars, the dream is really unlikely to pass, but if the dream of good jobs, decent earnings, a loved one, the realization of their talents - all these dreams are feasible. Secondly, the need to dream right! If just from time to time to think about what you will become rich and famous it's just fantasy, but if you start to change their lives through their dreams, then very soon the dream will become reality.

I understand that for many, this advice will sound implausible, but in the end, you can try! The more so because in doing so you have nothing to lose! To learn to dream properly, I would suggest reading a wonderful book Vadim Zealand Transerfing reality. " Transfering is the ability to think in such a way as to obtain the desired result. Vadim offers interesting ways to implement his plans to me personally it was very interesting to look at his vision of our reality, and invite you to plunge into this wonderful world of energy that surrounds us.

Presenting himself in his dream "
Dreaming about something we do not represent themselves as "inside" of this dream. For example, dreaming of a country house you can imagine how many there will be stories, what will the garden, the atmosphere in the house, but few people trying to "move" in this dream, and every day is like in this house, he gathers the guests, cleaned, cared for flowers in the garden, etc. Zeland calls such dreams "target slide," and warned that representing himself in his dream the most important thing is not to create excess capacity, in other words to ensure that your excessive desire to implement his plan does not put you in reliance on your dreams. Need to convince yourself that you deserve and this is sure you will, at the same time try not to think how you achieve this, ie you should not chase their dreams in some specific limits. Suppose that in order for you to have appeared this house you need to get a particular job, and you need a certain salary, etc. etc. Focus on the end result and not go into details of exactly how you will achieve what you want.

The second stage - visualize the process

To make your dream come true, try each step in my life seen as another step that brings you closer to the cherished desire. I understand that it is incredibly difficult to accept termination of employment, as another step toward his dream, but try to reason philosophically. To succeed, you may need to change the scope and your dismissal of the hands only, will have a new job that will provide new opportunities, new friends, new ways of achieving the goal. Try to live by the principle "everything that is done - for the better"

The third stage - a charge the dream energy!

Vadim Zealand believes that every process in our lives driven by the energy, just as the dream for its implementation needs a "push", so we have to charge it with energy. To do this, imagine that from your solar plexus beyond two opposite direction, a length of about half a meter. Try to visualize that one of them looks up, and the second one down. Thus, you activate the upstream and downstream energy. Further, without straining, imagine that these streams of energy flow along the spine in two opposite directions, one thread goes into the ground and the other in the sky.

Try to follow these threads and also scroll in his mind a dream in which you are the protagonist. Try to stay calm and to scroll the desired, not overflowing with emotions themselves, such as butoh you remember once passing day. Best of all, this technique can be a walk in the park, forest, a lake, in the country - where you will not be distracting. Prodelyvat similar techniques should not from time to time and not a "mood", and try to do it regularly.


This is a flash of your desires, the individual pieces of images, which are formed as a mosaic in one big picture - the dream. Let us dream of a large country house, you are a huge fireplace - imagine at some moment you fire up the fire in the fireplace, next image - flash, you drive a luxurious car with friends at his country house, the next flash, you congratulate assuming the leadership position and you celebrate this event in their new home, etc. Let the pictures are changing and there in your mind is chaotic it is important to do this many times a day! At the same time try at the moment, "including" represent a frame, as your energy shell explodes in all directions, scattered field, as if covered blast.

"Decoration" dream scenery

Thoughts that you would try to attend to send in the right direction, so they must, somehow, related to your dreams. You saw the beautiful trees - the same will grow about your holiday home, you enjoy this wonderful coffee table? And he was perfectly fit the interior of your new home! You have chosen great curtains? Imagine how they will look at the windows of the house of your dreams! Over time you begin to notice that, for example, sitting on the couch in the evening you get the feeling that you're sitting at home in front of the fireplace! Great! You will surely move in the desired result!

Fixing dreams

Now was the final touch. Needed to firmly fix the dream into the real world. For example, when we knock on wood, that has not happened then, as we rashly mentioned, we thus fix my intention, just as we should fix what we want. Here's how: Start to view the announcement of the sale of real estate, look after the furniture in their new home, look for seedlings you planted in flowerbeds around her new home, etc. You are in complete seriousness should choose all of these things, with just identify with what you need and what is not, what would you like to see in the new house, but not buying these things.

Many actors, artists, public people say that since my childhood were my life exactly the way it has become today - one in his imagination painted halls full of people who came to their concert, others were a painter, opened its art gallery. These people are constantly thinking and dreaming about it and never abandoned his plans. It's hard to believe, but it really works! Do not give up on his dream, and it is sure to become a reality!
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