Dreams Come True! New technology and dreams
How often do you wish to have your dreams fulfilled? And how are executed? At least half filled with so much joy would have been. And in fact exist in nature, the techniques that will help you to realize the desired result with almost one hundred percent.
It depends on you!
It is good when desires are fulfilled. And it does not really matter what desires are fulfilled - big or small, short-term or permanent. The main thing is that they were performed, and it would, of course, as soon as possible. For many, the claim that desires are fulfilled only at the whim of the Higher Forces is not in doubt. However, science has proven that a large proportion of fulfilled dreams have a positive, confident attitude of man. Usually it is the man himself puts obstacles in the way of miracles. And if it comes true against all odds, he perceives it as a miracle. How do make dreams come true?
Be willing to clearly and accurately
One of the main conditions for execution of desire - clear and distinct, their formulation. You can not wish for something vague, that has no loops, nor any specific characteristics. The thing is that our dreams fulfilled for the most part only because of our subconscious. That is what guides us to the right path that will ultimately lead to the fulfillment of our dreams. And in order to put us on this path, the subconscious must understand that what we want, but here as elsewhere is important specifics.
Everything is done, you firmly believe it!
Quite often we do thwart our desires simply because we do not believe in their execution. We are looking for hard facts, which do not allow our desires are fulfilled. Whence come these thoughts, which are generated by an inferiority complex. You do inspire myself that are unworthy of such happiness. But at the same time, experience shows that many people with very mediocre appearance, education seek such heights in life that you do not even dreamed of. Do not allow yourself to doubt, even in those things that at first seem unrealistic. Accept yourself for the fact of execution of your dreams as reality.
Do not talk and do not overdo it
For the execution of any evaluation needs energy. However, we very often selected this energy with your desire, if we tell about him to all his friends, acquaintances, neighbors, and so on. Should not be let out their plans for everyone, and especially those who are not able to help you in their performance.
Learn to let go of their dreams. Do not think about his performance day and night, forgetting about everything!
Draw your dream!
And now the fun part. For a long time people have developed several techniques to help execute our plans. You should use it. Of course, not the fact that the first work exactly the same in your case. But if the dream is in principle feasible and does not accept the evil around him, then it is necessarily true.
Should start with the method of "Message in heaven." Draw or write your wish on a piece of paper and attach it in a conspicuous place for you. You'll quickly get used to the message, and will not see in his performance is nothing incredible. And if one day you decide to throw him out, do not rush, because the note is not intended for you and for your subconscious mind, which it will be seen in any case. And if you can not draw, write it, just do not use the particle "not" write like a fait accompli.
Get positive emotions
One variant of the "Message to Heaven" is a way to "Cut out and glue." Browse through some magazines, select the photos that depict the object of your dreams and stick these pictures on the drawing paper - and in a prominent place. It is important to fill your dreams with positive energy.
That all came to pass soon
If you follow these rules, you will be able to more quickly achieve their goals.
1. Help others to fulfill their desires.
2. Desire should not be selfish, the more joy will bring fulfillment of your dreams to others, the faster it turns.
3. Do not desire a lot at once.
4. Learn to see signs that appear at the time, when you think about your desire.
5. You should not sit in one place - do something that will help you get closer to his dream.
6. Do not be afraid of difficulties, they are all surmountable.
7. Not worth wasting time and energy on a pipe.
Learn how to extract useful valuable lessons from their failures. Make the situation work in your favor, and you can see that even mistakes can inspire you.
It is also not to cling to the ghosts of the past. We all make mistakes - this is normal and natural. But if all the time thinking back to mistakes, blame yourself, good luck, most likely, you will bypass the party. There will also be great if you learn to change their attitude. After all, any trouble can turn into a huge not solve the problem. And you try to find it pleasant positive side. Do not let the failure to manipulate you, try to act in advance.
And last, about to start a new project, try to initially play the feelings that you feel when you won, and the scale of the event has special significance - is important brightness of emotions.