Dress for it
When women wear men leave indifferent, and when awakened imagination and draw? Do not hurry with the answer to this question. Preferences of your partner can be quite unexpected. Of course, individual men - this is not the ultimate truth. Someone else probably show up their affection and their dislikes about women's toilets. One thing is certain: they will all is mixed with sex. Mood man can talk about women's clothes from an aesthetic point of view, but his girlfriend he will never be regarded as an object of high fashion and the museum exhibit. In this sense, the simple but very sexual skirts are far more likely to make a lasting impression on him than the stunningly stylish, but leaves man cold attire.
After speaking on the topic with some of the members of the opposite sex, we found a dozen laws. Do not propose to rely on them entirely - test your friend alone, the scoop on their individual preferences. Over the same basis it is quite possible to take the results of "mass survey. Men with suspicion look to strongly altered female figures, because they have a clear idea of how they should look at reality. Thalia, who moved to two feet higher due to the original fasonchiku artificially extended shoulders or even disappeared for design twists parts of the body is not very inspiring men. This does not mean that you can not afford any experiments with style, but under a dress of any style should guess the contours of the body. Even if they are far from ideal.
Stray male gaze moves from one of the female figure to another, and it is pleasant, and not burdensome journey may continue indefinitely. Exit? To focus his mind on one thing. We usually carefully develop all of its toilet, believing that its parts should be equivalent, beyond reproach. Most likely, we are making a serious mistake. One of the parts must be a shock, that is the sexiest, the others - to serve her background. It does not matter that it will be - bottom, top or two centimeters of lace from under a suit, but, catching men's eyes, they have every chance for a long time to keep it for yourself.
Hinted, but did not provoke - perhaps this is the main rule. A pair of unbuttoned shirt or blouse buttons - this is a hint. As tight skirt just above the knee. Unbuttoned buttons from top to bottom or skirt, clearly showing where his feet are growing, more like a provocation. Will not argue that this has no effect on men, acts more like. The bad news is that the provocation of men requires, that is forcing react and behave in certain ways. And they do not like violence, preferring to choose an object for serious courtship or flirtation. At least, they want to believe in something that catches a subtle hint and not caught in the widely spaced network.
Color plays no role
Among men, about ten times more color blind than women. The reasons for this phenomenon, scientists are still arguing, but it seems to us, in the men's society of color does not play such a role, as among women. Perhaps male color blindness - only extreme indifference to the surrounding multicolored. But aside malonauchnye theory, since the facts are much more interesting. None (!) Of male respondents expressed no sympathy for pestrenkim thing on their girlfriends. The abundance of flowers, slips and bubbles does not cause them any sexual response. In the best case - it's funny. "
We should also tell about the black color, followed by long reputation of the sexiest. The opinions of men are divided from the "Oh, yes!" to "And what is worse than white?". According to U.S. research, the most sexy in men's eyes seemed to be red. But, frankly, did not reveal their favorite. Quite a surprising discovery: Men love it when we climb up into their dressing room, that is, use the typical male toiletries. One condition: you can not afford more than one male part at a time, while all others should be emphasized femininity. It is not hard to guess that the strict pantsuit much success they will enjoy. But it can be divided into two parts and adding to each something frivolous, or cushioning of the air, produce a sensation. Explains it all very easy: a combination of femininity with self-determination and even looks very sexy in the eyes of most modern men.
Your stuff should be pleasing to the touch. After all, we dressed for it ! Too rough, hard or cold materials created between man and woman an extra barrier. However, at the other extreme, too, fall is not recommended: the girl that resembles a plush toy that looks very nice, but, according to men, sex in the small. When I ask Andrew to assess my dress, it is probably the most frequently heard the laconic comment: "This is too much." And never guess in advance what will be "more than this: a scarf, a bracelet, a modest strap or thin chain. It turned out that many men are as susceptible to excess, in their opinion, the additions to the female toilet. As one put it, "all sex is very concise."
Although I had to listen to two stories about the trinkets, which acted as a stimulant, which preserved the memory of men is even better than those of their owner. In one case it was about "one thousand thin bracelets" in another - the huge scarves. But in these cases, "odds and ends" becomes a sign of some women and more likely to reflect their own sexuality than adding it to them. Men pay attention to the relevance of our clothes. And it's not in their deference to etiquette and protocol. Just our very exotic species has the habit of gently discourage the opposite sex. And the jeans at an expensive restaurant or a cocktail dress at a party - it is certainly exotic, that men are perceived as a signal: "I'm here by accident, are unlikely to have anything come out."
Still, they are very different. One clings to one another - another. During my interview I had to listen to a dozen highly individual views on the topic of male sexuality, women's clothes. These views did not yield any classification, and did not want to climb into any generalization. Their moods - what can you do! Here is some of the most curious, to once again remind you that it is impossible to dress sexy for all men without exception, but showing a bit of observation, can be most-most sexually attractive to one. Importantly - the right to direct their efforts.
"Velcro back - it's the sexiest idea. The girl, whom I took as a bound whole party were pants with" lightning "to the pope. Do you think she sewed them?" Why, if sold, all of these go to. It's so obvious. " "Sometimes a woman wears clothes that seemed a bit small to her. Personally, I'm going on this crazy." "Women are mistaken when they think that we attract a very specific parts of the body. Moujik can make anything - most importantly, benefit from this tax. Imagine: a black, long, closed as a dress, black tights, high boots ... and his hands open fully , to the shoulder. I want to look at the fellow who did not bite on such a stunt. " "I hate women's shorts. It seems to me that they cripple all women, without exception." "Every woman in the locker room a couple of things that she is absolutely contraindicated. It is necessary to give them up, that's all. What men give up? No, they do not, male sexuality will not hide anything!" Remember: a man pleased that dressing for themselves, we dressed for it!