Drive experiences
Imagine that all of our negative emotions we feel when life does not match our expectations, as a kind of fluid collected in a special container - " drive experience ". Through a special tube, this fluid flows into the "drive experience" at the top and going in it, describing the amount of accumulated dissatisfaction with life, manifested in the form of negative experiences. Simultaneously, the same fluid through the other pipe quietly follows below - in proportion to our merit for life. When the drive is filled to some level of (accumulate a certain number of "sins"), the mechanism is triggered forced spiritual "education" and a person one way or another prove that he knowingly gave excessive importance to its ideals.
Our world - Purgatory
Reduce the content of your drive, while in the subtle world probably can, but that requires too much time. Possibility of making it some kind of actions that result in the fluid level in the drive experience "reduced, very small. Much faster than it can be done while in the human body. Our planet is the place where you can quickly reduce the filling of a "storage device experiences." Differently, our planet - a kind of "purgatory", where you can quickly cleared from the previous sins. That is why the inhabitants of the lower floors of the subtle world very often tend to get into our world to get rid of the consequences of past mistakes. But the choices they have very limited, so here they are in line with its previous mistakes, get into the country and families burdened with poverty, disease, wars, violence, etc.

Such habitat is usually not available to the goodness and forgiveness, so that the soul is quite difficult to realize his intention, and thereby break the cycle of hard-core "sinners." But if a person in such circumstances would be able to not become embittered and do not take offense at the world, the filling level of its "drive experience" sharply reduced. For pure souls living on the upper floors of the subtle world, our Earth is the place where you can come and experience the real feeling, real life, help people realize their errors. Therefore, many enlightened souls come to Earth, though could not do so. They choose their body for the new incarnation and be sent to our world with the best intentions. And many probably assume the obligation to carry the goodness and the goodness of people, to educate and heal them, helping them learn the right attitude to life.
And some residents of upper floors can simply ask for an excursion into the world to experience the sensations that you can only get in the real world and only in the human body: love, sex, enjoying food, human relationships, material wealth, power, creativity, creativity etc. They are likely to be born into a very wealthy families, have become rich immediately after birth and living, enjoying life and not knowing any material issues - unless, of course, they do not violate rules of conduct on the tours.
But, unfortunately, got into our "purgatory", not everyone remembers his promises and good intentions. Earthly passions seize a man, he forgets that in this world is just on a brief tour. Brief because our 70-90 years old - it's just a moment in comparison with the millions of years of our immortal souls.
Our life - a tour
When the souls come to the next incarnation on earth, they are given a farewell like: "Do not forget that you're going on a trip, almost like a museum. Behave accordingly. " Therefore, our life - it's tour. But the tour is not the usual historical museum, where all the exhibits are behind glass cases, and they can only look and not touch. This is a modern museum, such as museums technology in developed countries, where every visitor can touch and play with almost any exhibit. Standing there devices exhibit different physical effects: echo, interference, diffraction, magnetism, laser radiation, etc. A visitor can twist any knobs and levers, pushing buttons and actuate any exhibit.
Thus, buying a ticket in a museum, a man has the right to play with any exhibit unlimited period of time (within working hours, of course). But he can not take away these items with you, he does not consider their own. He came popolzovavshis and left. Likewise is the case with the soul of man. When she is sent to Earth, she said: "We give you the opportunity to become a man. Go, look, try everything that's there. If possible, correct their sins. But do not forget that you were allowed to go there for a while. And it's not yours, not your own world. Benefit to all that is there. But do not break the rules of conduct for visitors to the museum and be thankful to those who let you go. " These are the rules and everyone must respect them.
Unfortunately, our souls are usually forgets about it farewell. And having got into the real world, she considers it the only one. It is taught by atheism, and our whole system of education. Meanwhile, any religion reminds us that it's not ours, it all belongs to God. But this little reminder of who hears. People do not believe this. And begin to fully sink into the material world, "hooked" for him. Love - so with all the passion immersed in love, believing they can not live without it. Or with all the passion attached to money. Or to power. And as soon as the excessive affection, a person forgets who created this world and manages them. And from a man does not even require a special love for the Creator. Only need to remember that everything in this world belongs to God, and behave accordingly. Picked up, played and put in place. Virtually all people do, or otherwise violate the rules of living in our world, and life has to correct them.
Impact in filling "drive experience"
While the " drive experience "filled with nothing more than a half, the" caretaker "is not a man of large claims. Man lives comfortably, his life was happy, and all his wishes come true easily. This level of success, when the life of pleasure helps one to live and quickly carries out his wishes. He - her favorite. But once a person begins to idealize something, he dives in the long experiences that fill the vessel. When the vessel is filled by two thirds, "caretaker" is beginning to take its "educational" measures. He begins to send reminders to a person such as: "Citizen, you forget that you're just a visitor in this world.
If you bought a ticket and come here, why do you think that all this is yours. " Put that have taken back. " Thus, a person begins to send quite a strong signal, and if he does not understand them, the situation is rapidly deteriorating. If a person does not understand the meaning of those signals, then there are serious illnesses. Although the signals in the form of disease are almost all the time - because of an erroneous way of thinking in healthy people is almost impossible to find. Therefore, disease-added accidents. When the soul comes to Earth, she is allowed to play in any human game. She can play in business, love, war, power, spirituality, art, etc. But it must not forget that you came to earth as a museum, or, rather, as in a large nature reserve (or national park).