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Drug dependence

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Drug dependence

How to prevent the development of depression, and therefore avoid the risk of return to drug use or other dependency? Such a method is. About him very clearly explained in his book, Milton Erickson, describing how he was able to walk again after a serious illness - polio. Lying in bed on a large farm kitchen, he watched as learns to walk his younger sister. Milton saw how she was tightened on the arms, on its feet, but did not keep his balance and sat on the ass. Then the baby reiterated attempt to stand up and this time fell forward as her knees buckled. After many failed experiments, she finally was able to keep his balance. Then so stubbornly girl learned to walk. At first she could not move the center of gravity from one leg to another. Many a time she fell, got up and again tried to make the first move.

Watching her sister, Milton mentally imagine what he's doing the same thing and it is: first pulled on his hands, and then finds the balance and makes the first steps. After repeated attempts at thought-he finally made the first move by hand, then foot. He understood that he has a lot of time - all of life. And so, gradually mastering one move after another, he learned to walk again. Then graduated from the University, and later became not only an expert in the field of psychotherapy, and, according to the Association of Psychotherapists, "psychotherapist number 1 in the United States of America - in a country where the profession of psychotherapy is not a scarce specialty!
In such an approach to solving the problem is clearly seen that the ability to "live one day" is based on the principle of "hurry slowly." It gives people an opportunity to solve almost any problem: find a job, find peace, health and overcome the psychological consequences of bereavement. That gradualism underlies any achievements. An example of this position serves as a history of becoming one of the first in St. Petersburg center for the rehabilitation of chemically dependent. Initially, the program of rehabilitation was only short-term outpatient program. The next step was to develop and conduct a brief five-day hospital rehabilitation program. After this was established monthly patient rehabilitation program. Next stage of development was the creation of the program to work with relatives of people with chemical dependency.

Do not overdo - it may break!

I do not call to create a person stop using drugs, greenhouse conditions. Just relatives of patients need to understand: a way out of the hospital does not mean a complete solution. Particular difficulties arise from former patients when they finally find a job, improve their financial position. Often, while they are still feeling the wary looks close. One girl was treated for drug addiction. Treatment yielded positive results. Two years had passed since then, as drug addiction has left of her life. One day my mother, more by habit than because of some suspicion, counted the teaspoons in the kitchen. It turned out that one is missing. (The value of this discovery will understand only the parents of drug addicts. Spoons used for cooking "dose.") The mother can be described in one word: fear. When she came home from the doorway, she heard: "Where a spoon?"

Conflict to be resolved quickly: the spoon was in the bag girls without signs of misuse. She took to eat yogurt during a break between lectures. Former patients often complain: "Well, when the parents no longer see me as an addict? I am free from addiction, and they told me always to suspect something ... "You can advise the relatives of patients to try to exercise tact, not to offend a person is constantly suspected not only in trying to return to the past, but in the dishonesty. But even more dangerous at the other extreme. A young man from wealthy family became interested in drugs. After a long recovery, he finally got rid of the addiction. The guy was restored at the institute, has successfully passed the session. Life returned to normal. To celebrate his father gave him a large sum of money and grant full freedom of action, having left to rest abroad. Literally a week later the young man died of an overdose.

It happens that parents of patients with 5-6 months of "sobriety" asked when he will finally be able to hang on to stop "these groups, the community or to a therapist. When he finally stops behaving like a patient? Subjected to the same pressure in patients with bronchial asthma and other chronic diseases when they are able to survive over a long period without relapse. As you can see, the desire for "a broad steps" characteristic of both the patients themselves, because their relatives. The time required for the formation of fairly stable remission - at least two years (provided that the person constantly and actively worked on a prevention failure). It is such long periods of time, say foreign experts are needed to restore full health.

In my opinion, this is just the average figure. For someone this time will be even more stretched, and only for a very small number of patients a little bit reduced. For the formation of a new, conducive to a stable life, the spiritual value system requires at least two - two and a half years. Forcing changes, most likely, will not lead to good results, and possibly nullify all the previous achievements of doctors and the patient. In other words, "if widely walk, you can break the pants." Should pay attention to long-term supervision of psychotherapists, drug treatment, mental health professionals who can draw the following conclusions.

· Time it takes to work through serious psychological problems, ranging from 6 to 9 months.

· It was during this period the patient is necessary and quite regularly attend group psychotherapy or support groups.

· Time required for order to form a new medium of communication - not less than 12-18 months.

· Time it takes a man for a device on a fairly regular job in an average of 6-9 months.

· Move slowly, drive - race.
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