Dysorexia rare and most often in children younger than three years. In this case, the child refuses to eat regular food, preferring it inedible objects. It should be noted that this disease may be more likely kids with mental retardation or any mental illness. For example, infants prefer the hair, paper, wool, watercolor. Becoming a little older, suffering from such diseases babes gladly consume sand, soil, animal faeces, leaves, etc.
If you notice that your child is trying to taste a variety of inedible objects, should not immediately think of the child necessarily a perversion of appetite . Many healthy babies often try everything on the tooth, however, understand inedibility some things quickly spit it. On the other hand, if a child eats inedible objects extensively, you should be sure to show it to your doctor. Typically, the children themselves "overgrow" perversion of appetite, so slowly - to the age of 3-5 years - begin to eat normal food.
According to experts, work closely on this issue, pica - is primarily a disorder of behavior. Reasons for the latter are not fully understood. There is an assumption that the disease is caused by the formation of behavioral disorders or stress. Try to create a family as a calm environment. A child should not feel lonely or abandoned. On the other hand, the perversion of appetite can occur as a reaction to a lack of dietary inorganic substances (for example, salts of iron and zinc), or other essential micronutrients.
In short, to cure the child must identify and eliminate the causes of such behavior. Further, parents should monitor it closely. If dysorexia appeared due to the stress experienced by the child for one reason or another, it is necessary to remove the traumatic circumstances of the kid's psyche. You can have a positive impact on it by restructuring behavior. So, encourage your child the desired behavior and punish for negative behavior. This method can give quite good results. Here is an example of the practice. To me at the reception asked parents two-year kid with a complaint that the child became a land of sand. In conversation I learned that the house in a critical situation as a young family to live with his wife's parents, who did not miss an opportunity to accuse his son-in his inability to adequately support a family.

Hence, there are numerous scandals, and, of course, their witness is often a child. I encouraged parents to the kid to change the situation and create a more relaxed atmosphere in the family. In addition, advised all the positive actions of the baby, including the use of normal food reward with praise and gentle strokes. On the other hand, the desire to once again try to kid the ground or other inedible items required to be strictly suppressed. Pretty soon the child get rid of bad habits, he realized that as soon as he pulls into his mouth the ground, it will begin to scold, but in other cases - petted and praised, so after a short time he completely changed his behavior. Of course, the result would not be so fast, if the child's parents did not change their place of residence, however, and alteration of behavior toddler has borne fruit.
Another reason for the rejection of your baby from food, and poor appetite can be a rumination, or the so-called. chewing gum. This disease is characterized by secondary chewing and chewing returned from the stomach back into the mouth of food. If your child is constantly regurgitates into the mouth and then swallows some semidigested food, you should be sure to show your child specialist. Fortunately, this disease is rare and occurs in children aged 3 to 12 months. You may suspect Rumination in their child, if the latter often takes the same posture: back arched, stomach muscles tense, his head thrown back. After the spit-up is usually part of the food or spits it follows from his mouth, and some re-masticated and swallowed. Sometimes the gum passes its own, but in most cases require treatment.
The cause of this disease may be wrong behavior of the mother during lactation. If your child suffers from this disease, therefore, first of all stop feeding the offspring perceive as a kind of battle. After all, you are in any case more of her child. Sometimes the cause of the disease is the ignorance of parents, how, when and how much to feed your baby. Some mothers are too often fed the child and for once try to feed him large doses of milk. Another cause of this disease may become inadequate stimulation of the child. In other words, if you have a baby with no close contact, there is little you talk and play with him, he had not only disrupted the formation of a relationship with you, but also increases your risk of rumination. Sometimes, the disease arises as a response to stressful situations in the family.
Chewing gum is terrible that a child interferes with the normal diet. He looks exhausted, lose weight, capricious from hunger between the moments of regurgitation. In addition, if left untreated the disease, it can lead to dehydration, underdevelopment due to malnutrition and even death. Rumination is very difficult to cure, so the sick child in most cases requires hospitalization. You must make a kid's diet is about. That it contained a large amount of protein needed to sustain the growth process. Do not forget that your baby during this period needs your stimulation to develop normally both physically and mentally. You have to strengthen the relationship with their child, that certainly would be beneficial for his condition. Be sure to take your child on your hands during and immediately after feeding. Attention accorded to the child, can help prevent regurgitation. In addition, provide child friendly and relaxed atmosphere in the family. During treatment, the child must be under the supervision of a pediatrician.