Each has its own Egregore
Egregor - a kind of collective guide, assistant, business partner, executor of our desires. Egregor occurs when a certain group of people begin to think alike. And from many sources, we know that any idea - is material. Only a matter of thought is very thin and usually not perceived by our gross senses (except in cases of spontaneous telepathy or clairvoyance). When large groups of people think about one thing, the emissions of mental substance (emanations) are combined, and when the amount of this substance reaches a certain size, it forms Egregore this group of people or ideas. One can imagine Egregore as a small bright cloud (small Egregore) or in the form of huge, dark, striking for its size and power of the clouds (a strong Egregore).
Types egregores
As you have probably guessed, are the most powerful religious egregors - Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism - as the creation and makeup appropriate egregor is an integral part of any religious rite. A worship regularly and in accordance with strict rules constantly perform millions of people. Besides these, there egregors family, science, communism and capitalism, sex, war, nationalism, etc. And, most likely, many of egregores not exist as a separate, isolated from other "clouds", and in the form of a "tuchevogo layer" with the focus: religion, business, human relations in everyday life, etc.
Reaching a certain capacity, egregors sometimes begin to engage in "self-promoter", ie trying to attract attention and thought more and more people. They give a huge power delivered to them people, organizing mass and individual miracles. For example, egregors science from time to time "podkidyvayut" solutions to complex problems devoted to science researchers. In psychology, such as receipt of a long-awaited solutions are called "insight" or "insight". Most likely at this very moment patronizing scientist Egregore "connect" people to the relevant area of expertise and allows us to consider out a small piece of information.

Many people have repeatedly felt like the most miserable people in the world and a lot of time to "savoring" the idea. As a result, grew a huge Egregore 'miserable life', from which people stretch the tentacles of the "nobody loves me ',' I am the most unfortunate ',' I'm a failure ',' I'm ugly ',' life is a failure ', etc. Repeated chewing on those thoughts is a great pleasure this egregor, and he is making great efforts to ensure that such thoughts did not leave.
In recent years, have done well egregors associated with entrepreneurial activity. The most powerful of them, as we see it, it Egregore entertainment events (show business), which brings together thousands of people who think and feel like the same during the variety show, watch movies or TV shows. This Egregore patronizes artists loyal to him, helping them to earn fame and material well-being and getting their portion of the energy from the participants their views.
Our patrons
Almost every time any of us is in communication with one or more egregors - just like a doll, managed a few threads. We ourselves can consciously or unconsciously influenced by other people to choose with which egregore will be friends. Everyone has a Egregore . This happens when a person chooses a profession, place of work, hobbies, etc. - because each of these activities are supervised by their Egregore. Our action is largely determined by the energy we get from this or that egregor. Egregors evil help to create situations in which people feel hatred, brutality, scandalous, envy, and thus feed them. Egregors good to help us build a successful and happy life.
Almost everyone is on a life of one or several "high" egregores who care about us, help us to resolve the various situations of life and live happily. But at least people are rarely run by "low" egregors. At first people he attracts the attention of these egregores, often experiencing negative emotions or with bad intentions. And then, when low Egregore takes the man under his wing, a man is hard to escape from the influence of egregor - he does not want to lose their "breadwinner".
Energy is "low" egregores usually very strong - many of us it is difficult to get rid of or even just manage our habits of drinking, smoking, profanity, uncontrolled sex, aggression, etc. "Low" egregors trying to connect with someone powerful channels through which he constantly throw energy, provoking bad habits and addictions. These channels can be truncated, but it requires more awareness own efforts and support of "high" egregores.
High-energy and clean egregores usually very weak, their tips and actions could hardly be heard. Good to hear these tips can only be positive-minded people, the emotional body are cleared from the previous negative experiences. Do you have all the opportunities to be one of - if you're practically using the ideas and recommendations from previous sections of the book. And now try to analyze and understand, under the influence of what you're egregores. What Egregore interact with you when you read this book? And what you take control after five minutes and make do other things?
Help egregor
As we have indicated, each person is associated with many egregores. These links have been accumulated in the course of your training, education, the profession or hobbies, family, etc. Each of them helps you to achieve success within their capabilities and interests. But you must help egregor be big and strong! He eats it with your thoughts, and if you are purposefully (mentally) to thank him for his help, a communication channel between your clean, your patronizing Egregore will grow and take care of you. Make friends with your egregore!
Often remember it, consult with him, try to read the information and to find a life around its financial performance. Do not hesitate to ask him any questions - with information on the subtle planes, everything is fine, there is known all of our past, present and future in all versions of events. The answers may come in the form of individual weak manifestation of thoughts in the form of a few lines in a newspaper or frames on the TV screen in the form of snatches of conversation of strangers, etc. etc.
Form of assistance from egregor
Egregor, not possessing a material body, can not send you a detailed written report on the questions you raise. If you had a high sensitivity and your mind was calm and silent, then he could throw you need information straight to your head. Scholars and writers know this state is called inspiration. But people eat lots of meat and alcohol, indulge in passions and in the end can not hear your inner voice. Therefore egregors forced to use more sophisticated ways of communicating to us the necessary information.
Upon receiving a request, your high patron can view an appointment in your next life, to choose among them most suitable as a response element of the event (row in the newspaper, a piece of conversation, etc.) and try to draw your attention on this element. If you're a little sensitive and prepared to receive this information - you may have to establish strong and mutually beneficial interaction. In addition to purely informational assistance egregors do we need realization events. After receiving a request from a person, they begin to look for ways to satisfy that wish. About how they try to do it, we'll talk later. Here we only note that for the execution of our orders egregors use of other people that inspires thought, as a result they make you want to achieve your goal behavior.