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Each of us has different roles

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Each of us has different roles

We all play a role. They have different houses on the street, at work and in society in general. We can play them with mixed success. It depends on how we fit one or another role, as far as we are talented, and how much we trust the director. But the talented performers always affect the direction, and often themselves become producers. Roles are dominant, subordinates, and neutral.

The dominant role of choosing more active people to influence, make decisions, take responsibility and enjoy the fruits of others' works. There are many classifications of serious and not very much. Sense of dominance is clear, although it may have a different color.

Subordinate roles are also differences. Some whole life pribednyayas, solve many problems and achieve success. Some all the time looking for someone who would be guided by them, because they are afraid of liability. The role of a student who wants to learn, or a child who trusts his parents - it's also examples of a subordinate role. Conditionally subordinate role - this position subordinate to the head. It may not reflect the true qualities of the person, and he imposed structure of society, age and experience. Although rare leader is the one who in his time not mastered the role of subordinate. Hence the conclusion - we must be able to play different roles.
Someone might say - the actors. Clowns or tragedians - but the actors. It can be seen the same. But we did not! Surely we do not pretend in my life. Well, if only just a little. Well, of course, very rare. And anyway - what a wild idea - that everything is played? Sometimes - maybe. From time to time and in fact it is necessary to play up to someone to pretend to be somebody, be somebody. Take your time and do not confuse hypocrisy with the need to reckon with the counterpoint of life.

Play: small children, trying to copy a serious expression on his face dad or uncle Lesha, teens, communicating with peers percolating through the teeth catchphrase Gosha Kutsenko quite decorous aunts and uncles "in the prime of" playing the role of, pardon the tautology, namely aunts and uncles of decent. Grandparents also play their role - old man's role of Good grandmothers or grandfathers Angry or honored retirees, or God knows who else.

All of our lives - the game

In fact, play different roles for man naturally. For each individual in their environment, we advocate in various capacities, each of us has different roles . For our children, we - parents, for the bosses - subordinates to subordinates - bosses to spouses and friends ... These roles gives us life, but whether they succeed we will depend on three factors - the desire to play this role on how we fit this role, that is, from our own qualities, and, finally, the skill, or how we possess the means of expression. That's about it and talk. About this, and yet that each actor reveals its role in their own way, depending on talent and his worldview.

The main thing for a man who wants to organize life and relationships around them - is to be able to influence them. And it can be done only in one case - if learning to play the main role. Do not flatter yourself that if you have something does not suit you, gather strength, through the embarrassment can express their opinions, and from that moment everything changed. That will not happen. After all you had asked for, explained, and that - you have someone listen?

Generally, even without seeing the person, you can determine what position in relation to you, he has won. If his voice sounds higher and as if questioning - is clear: you are invited to actively dominant role. And vice versa: a low steady tone regardless of the contents statements show that the speaker considers itself the dominant party. The most insightful, hopefully, have already done so, in general, the correct conclusion - the voice is quite possible to define its role in the communication situation. Try to start a conversation low, alleging a tone and see that as if by magic partner will be reconstructed at a higher subordinate to Washington - will prove to be an active party to you. Simple? Certainly not. The entire catch is that the approving tone, just, and is not given if you feel the superiority of his companion.

Try to demonstrate positive tone in communicating with your supervisor, whose fear, as the fire - and you will see that sometimes quarreling a lot easier than to maintain steady, low tone of voice. Such attempts can show you your complete inability to change anything, and people not accustomed to the difficulties likely to retreat to the safe familiarity. It turns out that the role of so fused with the man that almost becomes its essence.

The best way to emphasize its importance - is, in fact, firmly confident that the leader is just you are. And it may well soon and never will. But there is another way: simulate confidence. And it will come ...! To do this you need to know a few magic tricks. They are simple but extremely effective. So, hear ye:

-Do not rush the greeting. If you do not go into the ethical maze, the first greeting someone who feels a subordinate;

-Exchange of views should be short. If you do not believe in the power of his glance, not looking in the eyes - hypnotists are advised to look at a point between the eyebrows, the interlocutor, but in our case would be enough, and staring at his chin;

-Handshake. The important point - the position of your hands and the power handshake. Weak handshake speaks for itself. But tisnut hand with all his strength - rudeness. Now the situation of the palm. Do not allow the position of "give paw" - when your hand is drawn back down - a gesture of supplication. If it really turns out - would you like your hand in that position - just a handshake when turn it into a vertical position - neither you nor us, or even slightly expand the "subordinate position";

-The most difficult - the tone of voice. Not to get off on a high, slave timbre - Try fewer ask. More affirmative sentences. Let them ask you - the tone of the interlocutor to change, you'll see. To do this, you can apply little reticence, unspecified - there can be ample room for creativity.

Got it? That's good. No? Succeed. But in general the most important point - this is the beginning of contact. Includes, for example, the office clerk, an experienced manipulator firmly slap the door and sit down to a better place without an invitation. And be sure to survive a break after a formal welcome - let it be asked about the purpose of the visit. Now, when the role was not asking for it, but an official, "the top" is just a manipulator, and then, as the unforgettable Lelik, "a trick". This method of development of the dominant role.

It is not always the dominant role is appropriate. For example, a teenager, playing the role of the adult, rather, just trying on it on themselves, sometimes reaping the fruits of his own recklessness and inexperience. But such behavior is peculiar to adults. Sometimes we act so unreasonable and illogical that they are similar in their desire for that no matter what their views. One of the causes of internal strife is the following:

Voice of reason tells us that it would be wiser not to fight for supremacy, and to reach agreement, but we just do not know how to act as a slave with dignity.
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