Early adolescent love and disappointment
Does your child love the first time? Congratulations - you are guaranteed sleepless night, experience the sea and tears. Your child and so harrowing constant hormonal storms that have wracked his fledgling body, and here also is ... Early adolescent love and disappointment are inevitable. Well, you have to take myself in hand and be his support and hope in a world of raging passions. Your teen is in serious, it is extremely sensitive and prone to emotional breakdown. He is now so hard! He has not mastered yet descended upon him with the independence for which he has so persistently fought with you, and here she came - LOVE. The oldest, most exciting, the one that seems to last forever ... But he does not know that such love from him will be excited and truck, and it is only a test of strength on the way to adulthood, and that is likely to be disappointed that the object of tender feelings would be a little not so, as it seemed, and that ... but still a lot of things happen to him on his way.
And you should be there and lend a shoulder, and to listen and sympathize, and pour hot tea, and lament his fate, and to be entirely on his side. All that you need to do because you - the closest relatives and his people, and who else can he ask for sympathy and understanding, if not to you. That you must always be vigilant and not allow to commit the irreparable, and pull back from the brink, and scold, if necessary, and bring to life, and to call for accountability. All that you need because you have him in response.
At school we all got a basic knowledge of anatomy. But tell me honestly - who of you by them to truly take advantage of them? Comprehension of human anatomy, especially the anatomy of the opposite sex, going from a mysterious whisper girlfriends at the break of bass conversations boys during smoking breaks in the school yard, and almost never in conversation with parents. And who would dare to ask her mother a question about "the very ..."? yes no life! Better death, immediate and terrible! We were ashamed. Today's children for all their relaxedness too terribly ashamed to talk with parents about the "it". But we must understand that from where and how our child will receive their very first knowledge about the opposite sex depends on the rest of his life, because to correct mistakes if they are made almost impossible. But in principle it is quite possible, especially if the child is convinced that his feelings are not trample and no one will laugh at them.
The first attraction
My first attraction to the opposite sex often, oddly enough, boys. And it's a big problem, eating is not to teach the boy to look after. All the youthful coarseness - of this inability, and yet - note the Pope - what the father in the family ceased to tokens of the mother. In addition, they fear ostracism by their peers. Later, when have a girlfriend is an honorary, the boys on the contrary, begin to boast and to invent non-existent victory. Girls as being much more savvy, able to discern a boyish brutality disguised tender feelings. So when the boys bypass his "attention" some girl, she feels insulted, and she often provokes the boy's expression of at least some attention to yourself.
The same "friendship", which is so feared by parents and teachers, in fact, rarely can present a hazard. This friendship gives the child an invaluable experience in dealing with the opposite sex, teaches lessons of caring, tolerance to faults and worries about the near and dear man. But our children are committed by amateurs in matters of love and friendship. How to approach what to say, what do say to the subject matter? They blush, blanch, start to stutter and right before our eyes completely umnen'kiye boys and girls become unintelligible lowed, sweating actors. We are with you now is ridiculous to even think about those little things we've experienced and skilled, we all know. But our children know nothing about etomne. We must help them to explain.
Better when the son tells his father everything, than a dubious boyfriend from a neighboring yard. And maybe her mother if she could form a tactful explain his son how to care, talk, react to the various signs of the girl.
In children, there is a lot of questions about relationships with the opposite sex, and as we would not have been too lazy and uncomfortable, we and you must educate our children. Not so much on physiological topics, and about what is love and how it is combined with sex. Do you think that all teenagers are spoiled? It is not true - it's all an imaginary. They are terribly concerned not so much by the relationship, how their feelings and emotions that arise in the communication process.
The teenager often does not love the object of his love and his love for the subject. It sounds crazy, but it's true. In fact, true love in teenagers is very rare. This is due to the fact that in spite of the physical parameters that are comparable with them as adults, emotional and intellectual development of adolescents are somewhat delayed. Teens love is sometimes called, each new his passion, affection. They come up with and strictly adhere to ritual - the phone calls, sometimes lasting for several hours, little notes provozhanie home after school, joint walk in the park's hands, first, very tentative kisses, first, the most tender embraces, all the very first, and hence most important because takbolshe will never happen.
I know families in which parents and children talk about things that are considered important. When I came time to discuss these issues with children, I told them that first experience - is that they will remember all my life and we must try to make sure that he does not remember the shame and disgust, and the fact that people realized the fullness of love and trust. She added that the drunken company, casual partner, the wrong place and the desire to simply get some experience with this incompatible. You can always wait and did as the dream. I was very surprised, frankly, that the first son and then daughter, I realized, moreover, have followed my advice, and even more after that in difficult situations are always appeals to me.

When I have undertaken a this conversation, I never thought that I listen to, but it happened. Get it and you, if you do it wrong lectures, and consulting. I am writing this with the consent of their children, from whom I learned that every teenager dreams of such advice was given to parents. Likewise, we talked about what can go wrong each and every one has a right to this error. Mistake in his personal life has nothing to do with the dignity, human, female or male. Should not only doubt it ever.