Ease worse than stealing
On the usefulness and necessity of sincerity we can say what you want. But in some cases excessive openness could lead to discord in relationships. Remember that good intentions do not always lead to desired results. Indeed, we often tell something your loved one only with the good motives. But it turns out, that would be better if we have hidden this fact. Ease worse than theft. This is all well-known saying very clearly shows all the cases where only our openness to harm. Let's say your spouse is insanely jealous and suspicious.
And if you ever tell him how you look at other men, or, for example, which a colleague has to you attentions, what conclusion can make your man? The best thing he could think of - it's something you just can not imagine. And at worst he will think that you just want to provoke him, and the break in relations. And keep in mind that in future your husband will be closely watching how you interact with other men. Be assured that when he noticed something suspicious, then you immediately break out the conflict. And to blame but you. Your absurd sincerity was simply irrelevant in this case.
Frankness about your former hobbies, interests, and men too can play with you a malicious joke. No need to tell your current favorite of his previous relationships. If you will constantly repeat, what a helpful and wonderful was your previous man, do not be surprised that your partner sooner or later no longer wants to put up with it and break the relationship. And save them will not be possible.
Frankness about all the illnesses, too, is excessive. Of course, if during the joint lives your husband know about your illness, that's fine, because you have to make joint decisions about the choice of hospital for treatment and the amount of money spent. But if you're on the first date with her potential lover begin to talk about his health, then most likely he will hasten to disappear from your life.
It is not necessary for a long time and with great pleasure to tell his men about their girlfriends, especially about their personal lives. Because of this story, he can make wrong conclusions, and convince him this will not succeed. For example, you will be happy to tell a loved one that your friend change her husband. In this case, your man will think that you too are capable of such an act and will obviously not pleased with this. There will be a lack of confidence, which has served the cause of your sincerity, do not forget the simplicity worse than theft .