East fitness health
Both men and women engaged in physical exercise to maintain their physical fitness and health. But if men are more concerned about their physical attractiveness, the women in addition to care about looks, decide to do sports, to ensure even and the health of his soul. Since women are sensitive and vulnerable to a greater extent than men, many want to be more protected from the negative society, learn to control their sexual energy and harmony with the surrounding world.
All of this can be achieved through various eastern practices. They are quite a lot, so a woman who does not have these practices, no idea is very difficult to decide and choose what suits her. In this article we look at the most popular to date, the eastern schools, and hope that this announcement will help make the right choice for everyone.
Yoga from India.
According to legend an Indian yoga was to give people the god Shiva, and after thousands of years it has become accessible to everyone, not just elected, as was the old clock. Of course, we are not talking about all the grueling and complicated positions, but the most simple and doable Indian yoga exercises to date have become a source of longevity and health. Yoga helps you tune in to a positive perception of the world through spiritual and bodily purification.
Of course, people far removed from Indian culture enough to comprehend the complexity of yoga in all its manifestations. And the fact that today is taught in yoga studios can not be called full of ancient Indian yoga, and yet, despite this, even that portion of the exercises, which became available to the masses - give a striking effect.
The basis of these studies are relaxing, breathing and stretching exercises that have a positive effect on internal organs and musculature of humans. But the main advantage of yoga - is working on his mind and thoughts. Thanks to these busy people are becoming more balanced and calm, they are remarkably cope with their thoughts and feelings. Those fortunate enough to comprehend the Indian yoga and feel the effect of training is unlikely to leave it.
Chinese Practice - KVI-jong and Tai Chi
This is a very old system, which is practiced in China for more than one millennium. Activities under this system are aimed at strengthening and improvement of the body. The essence of the practice that, through certain exercises you activate the meridians of the body, which is a conductor of energies. During the lessons needed to be, that these energy paths you draw all the negative energy and disease, and absorbs only good energy.
Classes KVI-jong beneficial effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Regularly engaged in KVI-jong, normal cardiac performance and reduced metabolism. Begin his acquaintance with the KVI-jong you can own, for this purpose there are benefits to this practice. But, of course, to get tangible results - need regular exercise.
Tai Chi is available for all, thanks to its softness and low physical activity. It combines and beautiful dance and military equipment and improvement of the entire body. Due to the slow lunges forward, this system is called - "shadow boxing". The basis for this practice is a balance between male and female energy, Yin Yang. To achieve consistent and smooth movements to train hard and learn to focus. In contrast to the KVI-jong this practice can not learn by the book, this will require regular training under the guidance of a coach.
Tai chi aims to ensure that you have learned with the help of consciousness to control her own body, it is a positive effect on metabolism, digestion, posture and nervous system. Also, tai chi restores normal blood flow and a positive effect on the heart. Tai Chi allows you to protect yourself from negative, to become more sustainable.
Tibet - "Eye of the Renaissance"
"Eye of the revival" - this is a very interesting practice of Tibetan lamas, which aims to restore health and preserve youth, as well as "eye revival" helps to develop inner strength. Unlike other practices, where we study the set of movements and postures, here we are five exercises that will affect the seven chakras of our body. Chakra - is energy centers, which are located near the endocrine glands. This is the pancreas, adrenal glands and endocrine glands. Exercise that involves the practice was not difficult, but to reach some effect can be only through regular practice and a serious approach.
There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
Korea - Taekwondo
The name "Taekwondo" is composed of three words - is a jump, fist, and spirit. Perhaps the most difficult practice of the foregoing. All movements of polished and designed to the millimeter. To achieve such precision needed to master your body. To study this system needs under the guidance of an experienced coach. Catching up taekwondo, you get the opportunity to grow spiritually, to receive spiritual knowledge through martial arts.
Depending on the intensity of training, internal discipline and desire your knowledge in this kind of martial arts can be very profound. Taekwondo helps to find the man of physical strength and spiritual wisdom. Founder of Taekwondo, General Choi Hong Hi said that Taekwondo trains the body and mind and lets through refined technique strikes without a weapon to hit the enemy. Therefore, in addition to spiritual knowledge, and excellent physical shape, this practice will allow you to master the art of self-defense.