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Easter and Astrology what they have in common

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Easter and Astrology - what they have in common

Why Christians vcego world styled Pacxy "celebration of the holidays? What a supreme sense of putting the servants of the Church in a celebration of the day the first Sunday of the vernal equinox and the March full moon?

Spring Festival
Holidays during the year found plenty, but only one stands above all, calling not only as "a celebration of celebrations." This - Easter. Not many noticed that the days of Passover are days of celebration of the close astrologers start a new kosmobiologicheskogo cycle in the development of nature, the vernal equinox. This year it will occur March 20, 2008, in 8 hours 48 minutes Moscow time, after which the "astrologers" will celebrate the advent of a new astrological year. In the Southern Hemisphere comes astronomical autumn, and in the North - an astronomical spring. In religion, in ancient times, the day of the vernal equinox is also allotted considerable importance. Date of Easter, which is celebrated every year at different times, measured from the vernal equinox as follows: March 21 - the first new moon - the first Sunday, which also was considered a holiday. In 2008 we celebrate Easter on April 26. In different years paschalion prescribe celebrate Easter in March, then April and then in May, making believe that apart from the vernal equinox and the first full moon there is a third important factor "computing" Easter Day. What does this mean?

The fact that among the ancient science of communication earthly and heavenly, called astrology, and religious dogmas are no contradictions, and each of them interprets, in fact, about the same. About God or the phenomenon of the Supreme Cosmic Mind, to whom all things. The church approached the question solely from the standpoint of faith, astrologers - from the position and belief, and knowledge. Since ancient times mankind has divided into two categories: those who have been given to believe, and those who, apart from faith, is given to know the truth. Hence, WORLD RELIGIONS AND WORLD ASTROLOGY - are the two branches of overriding the global socio-cultural phenomenon, going through life side by side, but sometimes jealous of the right to deny the existence of another. Mainly by the Church towards astrology. Like everything else that is in motion and development, Easter has strictly specified date, and it does not depend on the will of man, but solely on "the life of the sky," from the motion of planets.

Passover - a Jewish word meaning 'exodus'. What kind of "Exodus" mean? Of course on the outcome of the Jewish people in the desert and the beginning of the liberation from Egyptian slavery. Hence, Easter - the day of liberation, the day of deliverance. A better, rebirth, resurrection. If you open the Old Testament, it is easy to see that Easter is Resurrection, the triumph of life over death. Triumph of life! But only for those who live with God in the soul and believe in the resurrection of spiritual forces, seeking to revive the spirit. And the New Testament as understood by Easter Sunday, specifying: Passover - freedom from sin and slavery. And here we are talking about the triumph of spirit over the flesh, the heavenly life over the life of this world. In more general terms, Easter - a symbol of freedom, the rejection of a false, outdated, dead, and striving for new, life-affirming. This cleansing of the spirit and subdue the flesh. The people expressed the idea of Easter is that the feast was made to release from the cells of the will of the birds, to grant freedom to the prisoners. Authorities visited the prison, erring on the possibility of forgiving, declared an amnesty. Miloserdstvoval people, gave to the poor and needy, gave gifts, kissing as a sign of brotherhood (triple kiss), and asked for forgiveness.

Astrology Easter
It is believed that the day of Passover, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ushering humanity of the triumph of life over death, truth over falsehood, of faith over unbelief, love over hatred. And here is important trinity of moment. Easter always falls on the days of early spring. But the days of entry of the sun in the zodiacal sign of Aries, making holiday is painted with symbolic attributes of Aries. It turns out that the vernal equinox includes the beginning of spring, Easter and Aries. And all this happens not by human understanding, and understanding of higher powers of the Divine Principle. This is best seen in the traditions of the Chinese cultural heritage, which states that "the constellation of Aries reaches the sky on the Day of Creation."

In his Easter is reflected in the mirror of astrology. " Aries motto, the motto of the pioneer and the creator, "I - there!" Refers to the motto of the Risen Christ, according to Matthew, announcing that he is given "all authority in heaven and on earth." The glory of life, according to Mark, he had cast seven devils out of Mary Magdalene, has announced that all those who believe in him by his name will do the same, speak with new tongues, lay hands on the sick, make them healthy. According to John, he gave the fishers complete network of fish and many made before his disciples and other miracles. " It is significant that the dynamics of the key concepts, symbols of Aries fully monitor the dynamics of events in the life of Christ after his resurrection: on undaunted activity and manifestation of the will first to the generosity and passion of patronage in the middle and then, finally, to the courage and spirituality. It is well known that the element of Aries fire, and managing the planet Mars. But the church during the Easter cultivates FIRE! So, for seven days before Easter, on the night of Holy Saturday, in Russia around the temples lit bonfires, illuminate, lights a torch on the bell tower, holding lighted candles, solemnly greeted "Lucifer," a lighted dawn. That is why Easter - a celebration of fire. The element of the Easter fire blazed all the Holy Week, purifying the hearts and minds of disbelief and grehovodstva, freeing love of life and holiness.

Martian paraphernalia
But this symbolism does not end with the trinity. The color of fire - red, and he's the color of spring, and it is the color of the planet Mars, and the same color of blood of the Lord. In the days around Easter abundance of red: a special track and carpets spread out in a pink wreath on the images in red roses on the cake. Eggs, like an ancient attribute of Easter, color red, or colors close to red. Endowing each other painted eggs, thereby wish each other health and therefore life. The ritual of giving colored eggs dates back to the time of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who raised her with good wishes of the egg St. Mary Magdalene. The cult of the red is so strong that it carries over to poslepashalnye days, the feast of the Red Hills, according to which greeted the sunrise and "conjure" spring.

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Between words and MARS MART difficult to suspect family ties, they nonetheless present. Name of the Easter month of March comes from the Byzantine "martitus", whose name was given in honor of the god Mars. It is curious that the first Christians of Mars was not a "god of war, but on the contrary, was quite a peaceful life by favoring farmers and pastoralists. No wonder he was called by the people "gardeners, vesnoveem, vetronosom, kaplyuzhnikom. Finally a few words about the essence of New Year's Eve. In the Ancient Rus' New Year was celebrated on the first of March, and it had a deeper meaning, because these days the nature awakens, begins a new cycle of life. But Ivan third in 1492, commanded to celebrate the New Year with the first of September. What prompted the king to such a solution is hard to say. Was wrong in 1699 and Peter the Great, adopted from the Europeans the date of the meeting of the New Year with the first of January. All of these "innovations" under the meaning is not had. Hopefully, that will come a day when "enlightened people" perenaznachat New Year's Eve day've sennego equinox, one of the great days of Easter.
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