Effect tranzitiruyuschego Jupiter homes
I Good health. Personal benefits and cash.
II is good for trade, speculation and financial affairs.
III Income from relatives, brothers, sisters, neighbors, and mental activity.
IV Good for home, hearth, home affairs.
V Good for love affairs, entertainment, speculation, and parenting.
VI is good for health improvement, for recovery from prolonged illness, for
establishing relations with the servants and subordinates.
VII is good for the love and marriage, for conjugal relationships, to establish
relationships with partners, advisors, sponsors, etc.
VIII usefulness and benefits from the death of others, if this is indicated by Radix. In other cases, adversely.
IX Good for distant trips, travel, good to deal with foreign countries or
foreigners to communicate with church and family husband (wife).
X exceptionally well for the profession, work, office, for trade, improve
reputation for affairs related to the parent. superiors.
XI get a good patronage and calling them out. Help from friends.
XII celebration of victory over secret enemies (who often become friends). In this
period can build and well arrange their affairs, their position.