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Effective learning

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Effective learning

Begin to learn is never late and never early. Even teachers are not ashamed to admit that he had something do not know. And ... begin to learn. Sometimes even in his student. And most importantly - teachers should inspire the idea that his students grow into it, achieve more. This is the educational progress. Teacher - is not a school teacher or university teachers, or rather is not only a school teacher or university teachers. At the time of reading this book, your teacher - that's me. During the training of NLP - NLP trainer. At work - a senior colleague, manager, supervisor, boss, boss. Teacher, your boss - a business consultant. And tax inspectors. For some, the teacher - it's you.

Ability to learn is the most important ability in everyone's life, and he must teach. Effective training can be learned with the help of NLP. A public education system has focused primarily on what is taught in the curriculum, and lose sight of the learning process. Our teachers did not answer the question: "How to teach? And who needs all this? "Ignoring this issue has two implications. First, many students hardly recovered from the educational process information. Secondly, even if they have something to learn, it is of little importance, because this information is taken out of context.

Without learning strategies, students can turn for information parrots, always dependent on others in the issue of information: they can store information, but can not be trained. Education involves memorization and understanding, that is, placing information in context to give it a value (meaning). Focusing on failure or its consequences in the future destroy the process obuvaniya. Everyone should have the right to fail. Good students, too, make mistakes and use them as feedback to change what they do. They keep your goal in mind and keep the resource state.

Marks and evaluation do not influence the strategies used by students. They are unlikely to be judgments about the success of training and serve only to establish a hierarchy of achievement. Students can try harder with the same ineffective strategy. If all students to teach a number of successful strategies, the significant differences in performance between them disappear. Learning effective strategies to improve outcomes for all students. Without that education functions as a way of hierarchical classification of people. It preserves the status quo, marks of wolves and sheep, and separates one from another. Inequality is increasing.
Training includes establishing rapport, connection and maintenance of the student to the best strategies and ways to use your body and brain to comprehend the information. If students fail and continue to fail, it is likely that they made a synthesis of progress in the ability to believe and think that they can not cope with the problem. Then it turns into samoopravdyvayuschee prophecy. Many school subjects anchored on the boredom and depression and, thus, becomes difficult. Why education is often so painful and absorbing time? Most of the content full-time education could be learned in less than half the time spent by children in school, if they were motivated and had good training strategy. All of our thought processes include strategy, and we often do not realize what strategies we use. Many people use only a small number of policies in all circumstances of life.
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