Saturn in the house I always leads the subject into a state of depression, fatigue, it is slow work, often in connection with health, which has a tendency to weaken / This is the position of Saturn in CO, corresponding to the death of Madame Blavatsky.
Saturn in House II predicts anxiety and worries related to money, because this situation complicates the case, causing delays in receipt of income, creates difficulties associated with implementation of the financial projects.
Saturn III house inclines to pessimism, and predicts a strained relationship, or trouble in the environment of the subject, most often with people older than the subject. Travel and other things associated with this house, trapped.
Saturn in House IV outlines the obligations and concerns related to real estate, the home, family, or inheritance. If he was struck and is in retrograde motion, Saturn dramatically complicates the situation in the family leads to big trouble.
Saturn V in the house most often indicates a person's feelings are not satisfied, and his influence seems to be more clearly seen in the women's cards, because in men it often reduces the physical needs, reduces sensory tendencies, and for women, but not change in these needs and trends, prevent their implementation.
Saturn in House VI indicates the weakening of health, or due to illness, or with more or less constant care. Improving the condition of the body will require considerable time and effort, unless Saturn is not in Libra.
Saturn in House VII notes the almost complete lack of agreement with a spouse or companion. If the subject is going to marry in the coming year, the wedding will take place later than they planned period.
Saturn in the VIII house frequently notes the years when the subject is afraid of a death. Very often, this configuration is said debts, delivering to the subject a lot of anxiety, reduction of annual income or value of securities. It's a bad year for speculation, the acquisition of securities, stocks, etc.
Saturn in the ninth house, being well positioned, protector of the formation of opinions and aims at deepening the philosophical concepts. Being hit, he is adverse to travel, which creates delays and constraints. Very often announces trouble, cause, and whose sister-in-law.
Saturn in the tenth house prevents the promotion: having good aspects and being well positioned, he said a stable position, but at the same time is the cause of some concern.
Saturn in the eleventh house announces delay in implementation of the hopes and plans of the entity associated with various obstacles. This is also an indication of any concern related to familiar subjects, sometimes to loneliness or solitude.
Saturn in the twelfth house usually indicates that the health needs of the individual or complete rest, or sustained attention. Observations indicate that disease, declaring itself in this position, often do have consequences: either it becomes chronic, or reminds of itself by its consequences ..