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Egregor hearth

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Egregor hearth
All heard the saying that our thoughts are material, but not many know that materialize our thoughts and emotions in the power of education called egregors. These entities are immaterial and there are around a certain idea in which people invest their mental energy, and than her more so influential Egregore this idea. Any state and nation has its egregors, but for every person is the most important egregore Egregore his home and family, because he not only leaves a mark on his life, he even affects its appearance, this will be discussed in this article.
Egregor family

Together with the newly-made family born family Egregore. Over the years, this energy being is growing and gaining strength, he nourishes feelings and emotions of people living in this family, their joys and sorrows, jealousy, love and laughter of children, caring parents. Gradually Egregore mustered strength begins to support their energy people who gave him life - husband, father of the family, wife and mother, keeper of the hearth.

During the life of the family there are various changes that are born new family members, people get divorced, marry again, someone dies ... Sometimes it happens that after some changes in the family, one member of the family or even a few start or dramatically losing weight, or dramatically improve. In this case, people will not change either their diet or exercise, and he is puzzled, why did it happen? I think you already guessed that the culprit of all this Egregore.

Where did those extra pounds?

Consider the most common family troubles - her husband left her for another woman. In fact, the family was left without a breadwinner, father, head of the family. The woman begins to dramatically gain weight, writing off all the nerves and worries about children, well, when she take care of yourself? In fact, her feelings and stress are not related to weight change, is "tried" Egregore. Earlier on egregor receive extra energy and a husband and wife, now his wife began to get more and the energy that was intended head of the family, since her role in the family has changed - now it is the head. Changed its status in the family, increased its importance, and thus increased its energy makeup and, accordingly, the weight! She is the head, it is a symbol of home, family, hearth, and she must now comply with this status. If a woman fails Egregore "appoint" an assistant to her from among the next of kin, for example, it would be the eldest son, and you will not believe it, too, in the very near future manhood and .. recover.

Diets will not help

It also happens that Egregore "appoint" principal in the family "guided" by completely different criteria. If a family woman earns more than men, and the basic income she brings it, it is natural that all the household "getter" is perceived as the most important member of the family, despite the fact that in fact the head can be a man. Egregor fueling a woman more energy, and it fullness, writing off all at a sit-down job and buffets.

It happens and the situation is different, active and energetic grandmother, who all his life was the head of a family, retire. After the death of her husband moved to live with his eldest son, who is well earned, and serves as the chapter house. My grandmother, who all his life was rosy-cheeked pyshechkoy, falls ill and loses weight. Why is this happening? Because it took to retire, my grandmother lost her breadwinner status, and having lost her husband and even the status of the wife, she remained only as my grandmother, who in this family is not very significant, so Egregore gives her a very small fraction of the energy.

How to trick a family Egregore?

Recruit extra pounds exactly how and suffer painful thinness, I think nobody wants, so you should try to "outsmart" Egregore that he did not add you extra energy or vice versa does not deprive it. The very first thing you have to do - to determine what role you play in the family, at the same time be very objective and take into account not only the family status, but those goals to which you aspire. To help you decide to start a family tree, try to put it to you all known relatives, then compare your family tree with the classical scheme of families with grandparents, aunts and uncles, children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, etc. Check that you have not forgotten anyone? Now think of all the important events in the past few years - weddings, funerals, birthdays, birth of children. Match the dates with the vibrations of your body weight.

And now carefully analyze what could give you overweight, go over the dates and events, find at least 7 events that were related to your weight gain, they are there, be careful! Now let's think about how to distribute the "care" egregor so that you are "not getting" more than anyone else. If Egregore "appointed" head of your family, try to reinforce the importance of living in a family man, the way he plays the role of the chapter house. Review your responsibilities and duties of men, perhaps you do too much themselves saddled with, and your husband in this regard has to perform duties that are not peculiar to man and it makes it weaker.

By the way, activate the "masculine" force may be resorted to feng shui. Place in the sector wealth and fame for some weapons, but rather just a few of these things. Also reinforce male power to help Ian red interior details. If your family only women and special male to take simply rewound from a large dog. Egregor part of its energy will give this "shaggy man," and thus you will not receive it in abundance! It also happens that, instead of excess energy egregor you feel the opposite of its shortcoming, ie, your status in the family for some reason, became less significant. Extra energy in this case can be drawn from the extreme sports, are also suitable training in the gym.

Change your image, from a soft and fluffy become a woman, a la "vamp", and preference in clothes give to military style. Try to pick up part of some responsibilities from other family members to raise and maintain its relevance. Your task is to restore the "energy balance" in the family, only then you can return your weight to normal. Be prepared for the fact that relatives are unlikely to meet all your attempts to change the usual distribution of roles within the family. Do not expect quick results, Egregore store energy, and information on your family for years, so please be patient!
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