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Elfwort from the evil eye damage

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Elfwort from the evil eye, damage

Elecampane is used from damage and the evil eye. Decoction of root taken inside, and crushed dried roots and rhizomes fumigate spoiled patients. Boiled root Elecampane with bread and garlic take inside in those cases when spoiled inside diseased plants frogs, snakes, lizards. Decoction drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

• Root Elecampane helps those who have hurt some of the heart. Root infused in wine makes a fine voice, his eyes brighten, heal diseases of the head.

• Decoction of root is a means to avoid premature delivery.

• Outer leaves elecampane mixed with leaves coltsfoot used in the treatment of elephantiasis.

• Elecampane helps with hypertension, the omission of the uterus, diseases of the loins, hemorrhoids, tuberculosis of the lungs.

• Decoction of the root - an effective tool for gout, arthritis, exudative diathesis, deletion of the uterus, helps with paralysis.

• Decoction is effective in cases involving significant inflammation. It reduces the flow of urine and semen. Elecampane is a substitute for AIR.

• After the expiry of urine drop by drop broth accept not only inside but also as a compress is placed on the area of the bladder.

• For the debilitated people are ready to "devyasilovoe wine.

100g of roots to fill in 0,5 liter of fortified wine, 10days infuse in a warm dark place, shaking occasionally. Take 50ml 3 times a day.

• A strong decoction expels worms and worms from intestines, helps with pain in the bones and back, as well as disease sciatic nerve.

• Acceptance of broth inside - an effective tool in epilepsy and animal bites and stings of scorpions.

• If the leaves and roots crushed, make plaster and attach to the fracture site, it will help.
• When asthma in broth add honey.

• Showed a decoction with long-standing eczema, skin itching and fever.

• Decoction of herbs and roots taken for pain in his side and breast cancer tumors, especially liver cancer and ovarian cancer.

• In scorbutic ulceration of gums in the mouth rinse strong decoction of the roots.

• Decoction of herbs and roots are used as baths for scrofula, boils, warts.

• decoction of the roots helps with diabetes, dropsy, jaundice, kidney stones, as well as radiculitis, brucellosis, anemia, thrombophlebitis, chlorosis.

• Dry powder of the root throw on hot coals for the extermination of mosquitoes, flies and fleas.

In large doses to pregnant liquor can not take root.
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