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Emotional Intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence as the term defines a basic set of knowledge, skills and abilities of the individual in the emotional sphere. The term is popular and is used by many modern "guru" of leadership. Despite all the differences in definitions of emotional intelligence, almost all authors agree that the presence of emotional intelligence - a precondition for successful leadership. Emotional Intelligence - is a necessary and very specific "baggage", without which you can not count on the leadership position. Only occasionally and not very long time, you can be an emotional leader. Simply put, you need to understand the nature of emotions, and ability to use them as additional information about the person and the team. Can be designated the lead or chief or leading expert and thus not be an emotional leader. This privilege is not formal, and you never hear about the electoral emotional leader! In other words, emotional intelligence consists of conscious experience based on monitoring the compliance of emotional expressions truly feel a sense of, and both own and others.

Emotional competence of a person gains in the early years of his life: each person from birth comes just in emotional contact with the outside world (when he cries, laughs, shows disgust, etc.). "Competence" is developed only when the environment with due understanding meets his "emotional signals." If this happens, the child learns to perceive their own emotions as they are, give them a name to trust them and use them to communicate with others. Therefore, he feels the effects of their actions, and in the future it will strengthen confidence in himself. If there is no emotional adjustment (resonance) with the environment, then the corresponding child can not develop in their faith in the efficacy of their own emotions. At the same time he will not learn to interpret and understand the emotional signals of others. Exactly the same is true for adults. Perceived adult individual to claim the role of emotional leader meaningless without development of emotional competence.
Emotions - "tool" of the leader. Others, even if not consciously, but the arch is important lightweight form of communication, ease of understanding, sympathy, sincerity, it provides just the emotional signals. For most people, emotions are mistakenly associated as something profound and highly personal. Perceive them as an object of study a bit unusual and strange. Modern discoveries in practical psychology and group behavior can not only learn the laws and compliance, but also to some extent control the emotional symptoms. Total emotional space in which the team is changed and transformed under the influence, domestic vectors of influence, both internal and external. The influence of leaders can be defined as the most effective.

Emotional leader stimulates productivity not directly, but affects the enthusiasm of the individual. Leaders can be not only emotionally but also resonant. Emotional leaders help teams in the best conditions to do the job. Resonant leaders are also not considered the feelings of his subordinates, it is quite natural for them simply to react to the situation accordingly. They discourage any desire to work for the company. The difference between these two types of leaders found not only in the fact that in one case, improved results and increases loyalty of employees, and in another the opposite. Become noticeable improvements in the area of labor discipline.

To be a leader, an idealist is very difficult: to persuade people to have on a daily basis in the importance of their contribution to the common cause and is not so easy to find ever new arguments. The most effective leaders, just choose the style of communication, leadership and skillfully combine and vary them. And if they opt for a more risky way to lead, to fascinate people, then use them with caution. First-class leader is formed gradually, as people acquire skills that make him a highly effective leader. Develop their leadership potential and everyone can, you only need to understand that this should be done. Such a goal is not so difficult to achieve, like many others, but the path to it is opened not for everyone. We shall see later on that success requires some special skills and disposition, put forward by the applicant of any leadership position in the team.
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