Emotional background
Each person has his own emotional background , which we call humor. In life we meet people with positive and negative emotional background. Simply put, we have to communicate with people who are always good or always bad mood. Comfortable in communicating are the first group of people - those whose mood is usually good. These people are quite positive attitude to communication, they are often smiling. Find an approach to such people is very simple: they are quite open and happy to go on contact. They can speak on virtually any topic. Although there are some minuses to communicate with these people: they are not just unsettling, their positive emotional background of a fairly stable, so do not expect them to sincere condolences, if you suddenly inform them of his grief, or life challenges. Most often such people are evading the conversations on "sad", "sad" theme, or do not take them seriously.
Communicate with people who have always a bad mood - not a pleasant occupation. We think that the conversation with them can ruin our own attitude. We give these people behind her most unpleasant nickname - "killjoy", "growler", etc. In the team they are often white crows, because they dislike. Remember that their bad mood can not be viewed as an unwillingness to communicate with other people. They also need to communicate. In order to communicate with people has brought some fruit to your conversation was not a burden to you or to your friend, keep the following guidelines.
Do not try to cheer up your gloomy interlocutor. Such people do not need it. Remember that their bad mood - this is not a consequence of any disorder and life problems, this is their normal state. Your attempt, for example, tell them anecdote would be perceived negatively, your efforts will not appreciate, you will not hear the end of his story coveted laughter, and come across a puzzling part of your contact. Entertain such people can only be a very happy event, which will have direct relevance to themselves. Do not ask them to smile in response to your smile. People with a permanent negative emotional background is not typical. Even if they follow your advice, their smile will look unnatural.

You'll have to get used to their specific relation to the world: they are questioning. Their credo: expect impact on life at any moment. Such people are not always failures in life. Bad moods can be attributed to even a successful, well ahead in life people. Their mood - a kind of defensive reaction. They previously reinsured in the event of failure, the collapse of their plans and hopes. If they do something does not work, no one even noticed any visible changes in their behavior. If you fall through a large transaction or desired trip abroad, they will be easier to hide his disappointment.