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Emotional needs of human

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Emotional needs of human

Emotional needs associated with the wealth of experience and richness of emotional life, with the ability to perceive a wide range of emotions and feelings, with the ability to love and accept love, to sympathize with others, or angry. The emotional needs of the person associated with the need to navigate in the world, because emotions are a means of orientation in their own needs and events happening around them. Emotional needs are necessary to the emotional system is operating at full capacity. In turn, the emotional system and the body - a single organism: in order to make you feel good, work should be the whole system, whole organism. Read more about it you can read in the book series "Training emotional management" "Your personal trainer."

One of the scientific experiments showed that the emotional sphere, which is closely related to the senses, is of vital importance. The experiment consisted in the fact that a person was put in an absolutely devoid of sound and light camera, which, inter alia, was organized by weightlessness. Thus, we find in it the subject did not receive any information to their senses, that is was unable to feel anything, to get information. Feelings - this is the body's response to events in his environment. Not receiving information, the person does not produce an answer. When the experiment was over, the man was on the verge of mental breakdown. Thus, this experiment showed that we need a few things:

-In information from the outside world;
-In their own reactions to this information.

Feelings are energy that the body produces as a response to the impact of the environment. They can become an incentive for action, if the body lacks the inside of something. This energy is expressed initially in the form of feelings, which is a means of identifying areas and forms of action. For example, if you stepped on (you have experienced the impact of the environment), in response to this, your body is excited by the energy, designed to restore the integrity of the organism and its comfort (an adaptation to the environment, or in other words, homeostasis), and this energy expressed in the form of protest against the violation of the integrity of your borders. Such energy we call anger or indignation.

To homeostasis has been restored, you need energy for action, which is just produced in the form of feelings. That feeling has arisen indicates the body, how it should proceed. In the childhood many of us were forced to abandon their feelings, push them because of the inconvenience of these feelings to their parents. You can find many examples of this: the parents uncomfortable when a baby cries, cries, indignant, greedy, jealous, and so on. Therefore, parents prefer to deny these feelings that they had not encountered. Why? Because their parents do the same. We do not teach a child to deal with feelings, but we are taught to suppress them. However, feelings do not disappear. Power generated must be implemented. And if it is not implemented in the world, it is beginning to be realized in the body that is beginning to destroy it. Accordingly, if the energy could not find way out, even in an environment no action on the homeostasis does not occur, change is not happening.

In this case, the man has no choice but to seek to blame around. Because feelings are suppressed in childhood, their awareness must be restored, because while I do not feel their feelings, I do not understand what action I perform for my homeostasis to adapt to the environment, for satisfaction. Thus, if we are not aware of their feelings, repress their emotions, which is an outward expression of these feelings, we are faced with several challenges:

The direction of energy feelings in themselves (to themselves angry, yourself eating (enough to remember, like the gastric juice instead of processed food begins to process the stomach itself);

-Disorientation in the surrounding world;

-Inability to change something in the outside world;

-Dissatisfaction, that is - unhappy!

Listen to your feelings

Listening to yourself, pay attention to the fact that feelings are denoted by very simple words: joy, frustration, interest, etc. You can confuse them with thoughts: "I feel like my mother," I feel like you looking at me, "I feel as if I moved the tram." Feel my mother is impossible, because my mom - it's not a feeling, it is the role, image, function. In addition, different mothers their mothers feel differently. But finding a way moms can include a number of feelings: for example, love, affection, care, concern, generosity, etc. So can we not feel that someone is watching you - it's conclusion, which gives rise to certain experiences, say, anxiety, excitement, joy, etc. The expression "I feel as if I moved the tram is a way that masked a very concrete sense, such as fatigue.

In society there is a deep conviction that to be happy - it means to feel joy. One sense of the entire spectrum. Well, maybe two: the joy and delight. When we say that in order to be happy, it's important to feel, no wonder we do not specify that it is important to feel. This means that we understand exactly what is written: to feel everything. If you think you have to be happy - is to feel nothing but joy, pleasure, peace, inspiration and sympathy for all people, you're wrong. Willing to just be happy - it's meant to be somewhat biased to the reality of it, or be more than you need, and put themselves at greater risk. If you are always pleased, this means - you are all suitable. And then you may have problems in order to understand where and with whom you best and what does not suit you. You will be hard to understand why suddenly there was a nuisance, because everything was so good.

Only feel good - that means including stop feeling that you have something breaks, do not feel hunger, cold, or the need for sleep, do not feel danger, and so on, that is, run the risk of fracture. But the desire to have only positive feelings is understandable and explainable. Wish for myself only joy can only ones who know what to live only in sadness, sorrow or pain. Man is so made that he can get to know one thing only in comparison with others. And the good news is that if you do not know what grief, despair or sadness, then you would be hard to differentiate between these concepts, feel, in what is your pleasure, how and what you can rejoice.

It is not necessary to forbid myself to feel hurt, pain, anger, sadness. Only regular feeling the whole range of feelings, the whole range of emotional tones and semitones, we can be happy and full. The brighter and more varied palette of our senses, the richer our lives, the greater the range of possibilities available to us. If I know your anger, I know, and what it is, I know, I was angry, and I know how I can handle your anger. If I know how I offended, I also know how to be with their grievances - whether to allow her to take up and manage my own behavior, or control it.

But if I refuse to feel anger and resentment, and I refuse to understand anything about them, and yet refuse to control them. Then I seem doomed to suffer. Each sense is important, none of them can not be useless, unnecessary and "bad." Every sense - that is, information about us, how we react, how we live, and in general that we live. If it was not anger, we could not understand that we have something does not fit, and could not defend what we like. Adoption of their feelings - this is the first step to myself and realize that we are.
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